feeling guilty- asking livery to leave.


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8 November 2015
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Nobody else has said it: livery is lying to you!
Who has a minimum of 2 friends whose horses need to move but cannot go to new yard directly?
My initial thought is have these horses been stolen? Just purchased and nowhere to go to? On their way to/from auction?
Good luck in finding somebody to replace her.



Well-Known Member
6 July 2008
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Nobody else has said it: livery is lying to you!
Who has a minimum of 2 friends whose horses need to move but cannot go to new yard directly?
My initial thought is have these horses been stolen? Just purchased and nowhere to go to? On their way to/from auction?
Good luck in finding somebody to replace her.

My thoughts as well. Would be livid if anyone did this to me with no security gates!
Take pics of the remaining horse noting any distinguishing markings, and if possible scan for a microchip. Livery would politely and firmly be told to leave.


Well-Known Member
16 May 2010
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Reminds me of a "friend" who house sat for me and we came home early to find her frantically clearing up after having a party......bloody cheek


Well-Known Member
14 November 2013
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Have you checked these horses to see if they have any kind of illness? They could be bringing something in that you have no knowledge about.


Well-Known Member
19 August 2011
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I think feeling guilt should be the least of your worries.

Given you came home early and unexpectedly, this was probably not a one off. You have a livery who is lying to you, giving out security codes to people you don't know, sub letting your stables/seemingly using your property as a lairage business - with the bonus of having almost free livery on top.

I'd be taking pictures of the horse, wanging a whopping great chain around my gates and taking photos of the horsebox, number plate and driver when they turn up. If horses are appearing and disappearing in the middle of the night (who has their passports whilst they are staying on your premises?), I may even be thinking about a having a word with the police. It all sounds decidedly dodgy and wrong on so many fronts - and I'd be making sure I was well and truly distanced from all this just in case stuff should start hitting fans.

DW Team

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18 February 2009
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Crumbs Feeling guilty I would be livid. Something reads as dodgy on this Horses only staying for a day or two. What about the fact they could be infectious or stollen? Oh and who is looking after said horses? feeding watering and mucking out? How dare she give third parties your gate code (how many other people has she given the code too). Who was to say they were not honest and passed on your details to someone else return with the empty lorry and empty your yard and possibly your house too. I would have given her marching orders to have her horse and stuff off after the first time it happened.


Well-Known Member
11 May 2012
Amesbury, Wiltshire
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In your position, whilst there appear to be a number of good reasons to get rid, I would be inclined towards a 'sorry, this arrangement isn't what we need right now. This is your notice, please find somewhere else by x date.
Ironically giving your very reasonable reasons is much more likely to result in push back and her resenting your 'unfair' decision, and possibly even persuading you to give her another chance.
You have this deal so you will feel like your horses are looked after and property kept safe whilst you aren't there, and after this I doubt you could feel like that again with this livery in charge.

Whilst I agree with the majority that she's taking the rise this the sound advice I'd be following. My priority in such situations is to protect the animals and I don't trust sneaky, entitled types not to be vindictive...

I'm assuming if you have a good gate system you also have cameras but if you don't I think they would be a good investment which should be made sooner rather than later.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2010
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Has she been a good livery prior to this? Has this been an uncharacteristic lapse in judgement on her part or the tip of the iceberg of problems?

Just to play devils advocate... She forgot to poo pick, but did when you asked straight away (albeit not to your standard). She had the horses in the wrong field ( did you explicity say which one they shall be in?) and you never saw her when she was at the yard so presumed she hadn't been.

If all those things are unusual, I'd just be having a quick word.

The main issue is bringing Unknown horses into the yard. From the wording of the post it seems it might be just you and her there, and you don't provide services. Is the arrangement a true livery set up, or is she of the impression that she rents the yard rom you. What does the contract say?

If a true livery, then it's outrageous, I would be expected to get booted of my yard if I done that! However if someone is under the impression that they are renting or sharing a yard, then maybe it's more understandable (not excusable though!)

Depending on the set up, and how you feel about it all now ,I'd either give her polite notice to leave, or state in no uncertain terms, with contract, the rules of her livery there, which she can like or leave!


Well-Known Member
16 December 2008
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Has she been a good livery prior to this? Has this been an uncharacteristic lapse in judgement on her part or the tip of the iceberg of problems?

Just to play devils advocate... She forgot to poo pick, but did when you asked straight away (albeit not to your standard). She had the horses in the wrong field ( did you explicity say which one they shall be in?) and you never saw her when she was at the yard so presumed she hadn't been.

If all those things are unusual, I'd just be having a quick word.

The main issue is bringing Unknown horses into the yard. From the wording of the post it seems it might be just you and her there, and you don't provide services. Is the arrangement a true livery set up, or is she of the impression that she rents the yard rom you. What does the contract say?

If a true livery, then it's outrageous, I would be expected to get booted of my yard if I done that! However if someone is under the impression that they are renting or sharing a yard, then maybe it's more understandable (not excusable though!)

Depending on the set up, and how you feel about it all now ,I'd either give her polite notice to leave, or state in no uncertain terms, with contract, the rules of her livery there, which she can like or leave!
I asked her three times to clear the field of poo but she always was too busy but promised it would get done. One wheelbarrow in the last week.
She was told to use the summer field but we came home to find our rolled and resting winter field being used which is adjacent to the yard (easier to get to) There is so much poo it looks like a track around the edge.
This is not from two horses!!!
I did some facebook history at 3am and she is dealing, she has advertised 14 horses on a Fb equine site this year alone all competition and over 4k.
She must have another yard, her ex is a local SJ.
So not the poor young single mum on benefits who struggles to pay for her horse.
She doesnt work as has a 2 year old child.
Horses still here this morning.
I no longer feel quilty telling her to go!


Well-Known Member
29 August 2006
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I asked her three times to clear the field of poo but she always was too busy but promised it would get done. One wheelbarrow in the last week.
She was told to use the summer field but we came home to find our rolled and resting winter field being used which is adjacent to the yard (easier to get to) There is so much poo it looks like a track around the edge.
This is not from two horses!!!
I did some facebook history at 3am and she is dealing, she has advertised 14 horses on a Fb equine site this year alone all competition and over 4k.
She must have another yard, her ex is a local SJ.
So not the poor young single mum on benefits who struggles to pay for her horse.
She doesnt work as has a 2 year old child.
Horses still here this morning.
I no longer feel quilty telling her to go!

WOW!! I am glad the guilt has gone - now put that chain on the gate and get her gone!


Well-Known Member
4 May 2009
Oldham, Manchester. For my sins!
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In the nicest possible way, you're an idiot!

Change the gate code and tell her the horses - and anybody else's she's keeping on there - have to be off by Friday.

Get shut. Nobody deserves chances when they get to stable in a private yard!

Magnetic Sparrow

Well-Known Member
1 November 2010
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So she's a dealer, presumably using your yard for overflow horses?

If she's got access to another yard she can take the current horses away immediately.

She has treated you and your facilities appallingly.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2004
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I asked her three times to clear the field of poo but she always was too busy but promised it would get done. One wheelbarrow in the last week.
She was told to use the summer field but we came home to find our rolled and resting winter field being used which is adjacent to the yard (easier to get to) There is so much poo it looks like a track around the edge.
This is not from two horses!!!
I did some facebook history at 3am and she is dealing, she has advertised 14 horses on a Fb equine site this year alone all competition and over 4k.
She must have another yard, her ex is a local SJ.
So not the poor young single mum on benefits who struggles to pay for her horse.
She doesnt work as has a 2 year old child.
Horses still here this morning.
I no longer feel quilty telling her to go!

Oh my good god.
Get her out and then a quiet little phone call to the benefits line and the tax man might make you feel a bit better.
This is the sort of lying deceitful runt of humanity I really despise


Well-Known Member
17 August 2005
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For the future, when she has gone, just a recommendation from me. I do nothing for nothing. I work at a friends yard and I charge her for every hour I do. If I ride one of her horses I pay her for it. Some months we are square, some not but neither of us end up feeling used or taken advantage of. It is much easier.
Good luck getting rid of that woman.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2005
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Get rid of this dishonest person, you don't need her in your life. She's abused the trust you had in her & has put your place in jeapody giving out the security number & having unknown people coming & going.

Once she's gone put a call into the benefits agency & they can take a look at her. She will have been doing all these sales without letting them know so they will want to recover money from her & see it goes to someone more deserving. ;)



Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I asked her three times to clear the field of poo but she always was too busy but promised it would get done. One wheelbarrow in the last week.
She was told to use the summer field but we came home to find our rolled and resting winter field being used which is adjacent to the yard (easier to get to) There is so much poo it looks like a track around the edge.
This is not from two horses!!!
I did some facebook history at 3am and she is dealing, she has advertised 14 horses on a Fb equine site this year alone all competition and over 4k.
She must have another yard, her ex is a local SJ.
So not the poor young single mum on benefits who struggles to pay for her horse.
She doesnt work as has a 2 year old child.
Horses still here this morning.
I no longer feel quilty telling her to go!

Now you where you are .
Act fast I hope she just realises the game is up and goes with no silliness like trying to prove she has a tenancy .
If she is in an way nasty get legal advice straight away and come down on her like a ton of bricks .
I would clear the field you think she's used for strange horses of poo and rest it at least three months no saying what nasties have been pooed on there .
I would keep your horses out get rid of the strange horse and then get all the dust out the stables and wash them down with Virkon.
And watch your back check all your security this is organised deceitful behaviour plan for the worse .


Well-Known Member
21 April 2010
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I asked her three times to clear the field of poo but she always was too busy but promised it would get done. One wheelbarrow in the last week.
She was told to use the summer field but we came home to find our rolled and resting winter field being used which is adjacent to the yard (easier to get to) There is so much poo it looks like a track around the edge.
This is not from two horses!!!
I did some facebook history at 3am and she is dealing, she has advertised 14 horses on a Fb equine site this year alone all competition and over 4k.
She must have another yard, her ex is a local SJ.
So not the poor young single mum on benefits who struggles to pay for her horse.
She doesnt work as has a 2 year old child.
Horses still here this morning.
I no longer feel quilty telling her to go!

Really glad you got your answer and don't feel guilty! Let us know how you get on :)

Biglets Mummy

Well-Known Member
15 October 2012
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Sorry you are going through this OP. You sound a thoroughly nice person who has been used horribly. Get rid asap and hold your head up high as you tell her to sling her lying deceitful hook.xxx


Well-Known Member
25 February 2008
North Cumbria
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Your mad she would have been gone after the first strange horses arrived.
It's completely unreasonable to give a stranger a gate code .
It's completely unreasonable to bring strange horses from god knows were onto a private yard .
Ring her tomorrow tell her to get her arse down to your house tell her face to face to get horse and her stuff off your yard by the end of the week .
Then watch your back .
Someone who behave like that is not to be trusted .
Bad luck .

This, I would be incredibly concerned about the possibility of infected horses being brought onto your yard. Hopefully she is using your yard as just an overflow and not as a quarentine...

Change gate code now. That way she has to approach you and at least you know for certain if shes coming up!

Has dodgy written all over it.

Yep. Chain the gate.

Oh my good god.
Get her out and then a quiet little phone call to the benefits line and the tax man might make you feel a bit better.
This is the sort of lying deceitful runt of humanity I really despise

You can report this sort of thing anonymously, I see Tony_Zapoid has very helpfully posted the link for you - use it! :) Also, take screenshots of her advertising. She is selling between 2 - 3 horses a month by what you have seen.

I would also make the police aware if you have concerns for your safety...

ETA: I would be giving her 48hours to leave, since she has access to this "friends" yard and has been doing this "friend" so many favours, she can bl**dy well go there!! Padlock the gates, only allow access at certain times under supervision and if you don't have CCTV, make up some story about someone coming up to fit some and put up a "CCTV in operation" sign on your gate.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
8 September 2010
France previously Dorset
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Am almost speechless.
If you don't get verbal abuse then you will get tears TAKE NO NOTICE they are just a ploy. Just continue calmly getting shot of her.
Do as others have said re security measures. What a horrible experience!

The Fuzzy Furry

Getting old disgracefully
24 November 2010
Pootling around......
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OP, do NOT padlock/chain up electric gates, it will cost you big time if she/others try to force them open with gate code as you will get motors burnt out!
Park a vehicle in front for time being till code is changed.

Padlock anything of HERS up tho :)

Best to get her gone, cut your losses (of course pursue for moneys) and pay a couple of teenagers to clear paddocks asap.


Well-Known Member
1 December 2006
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I wondered if she was dealing and now the OP has found the proof. GET RID GET RID GET RID. Yes, I would dob her up to the benefits office too - I can't be doing with dishonest people who rip off the taxpayer. Clean your fields and disinfect the stables from top to bottom because Lord knows what the "visitors" might have been carrying, and she doesn't sound like the sort of person to care. I also agree that she should be charged rent for the stables extra residents and the cost of changing your security. If you were to be robbed now and the insurance found out you had effectively given the code to complete strangers, they'd laugh all the way to the bank having refused to pay out. Get yourself the biggest thickest chain you can find, the sort of thing that you could tow a battle ship with and attach it with the heftiest lock you can lay your hands on (they are known in the trade as ******* off locks because that's all you can do!). I have no doubt she knows some equally dishonest people who might pay you a visit so get some CCTV coverage and charge her for that too.

I loathe this sort of bottom crawler.


Well-Known Member
6 February 2012
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Op, I'm sure your very kind hearted and laid back clearly but don't take that nonsense get her off your yard asap!
Alot of yard owners plenty on this forum would have sent her on her merry way along time ago, all the best l, be strong!


Well-Known Member
10 September 2015
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I have read through this with my mouth hanging open! I can't believe how badly you have been treated.

I second what all other posters have said - serve notice, get some CCTV up, and a quiet call to the benefits people is on the cards I think.

Fingers and toes crossed that it all works out well


Well-Known Member
23 December 2010
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have you checked her out on the dodgy dealers FB group? you have to join (but I am sure someone on here must be on and could help you) You may find out more background info from there and if in fact she is dodgy and therefore if your yard is being used to house they dodgy horses.


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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I haven't read other replies (deliberately).

As a YO myself I'd be absolutely incandescent.

There are several issues: firstly the issue of bio-security which I am totally anal about. The livery brought horses on to the yard without prior arrangement with the YO, and coming from god-only-knows-where, and put them in the stables used presumably by other horses without isolating them or informing YO, and then swans off with them again. Sounds as fishy as a dead mackerel to me.

Then there is the issue of promising to undertake to see to the yard when YO away; lazy little cow didn't even do the minimum required and basically couldn't be bothered to shift her @rse to do sweet FA.

But the crunch issue for me would be the compromise of the yard security; that is truly appalling and she frankly needs giving notice ASAP if not sooner.

(Having just skimmed a post above): I'd also try to land her in the soft and smelly and a quiet word to HM Revenue, Benefits Agency etc wouldn't come amiss.

Change locks and security codes and install CCTV too. Also warn other YO's and anyone in the area.

Um, OP, sorry to be nagging, BUT before you replace this livery with another, and please excuse me for saying this, but you really might need to review your yard situation and be a little tougher with people.......... did this woman have a livery contract for example? Do you have a list of "rules" for the yard?? Sorry to say this, but you may need to grow a rather thicker skin and be a little less taken-in by people, yes you have obviously got a heart of gold but there's always people that will take advantage.