Feeling very depressed...


Well-Known Member
11 January 2002
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Sorry to hear this PF
My suggestion? Very sweetly tell him that you've heard some stuff that makes you think you've upset/annoyed him, which concerns you greatly & you hope he will be good enough to tell you what's up so you can put it right.

If he's half decent, you'll make him feel pretty guilty & if there IS anything, he'll hopefully feel obliged to tell you. Also, if you can get away with not telling him what you've heard or who told you, you may sow a seed of doubt in his head (as to who's telling you what) - if he doesn't know who he can trust, it may just stop him from talking to people inappropriately - this is a technique I use as a manager & it works a treat! (& it's great fun watching someone try to work out WHO has snitched - LOL, I always think a bitchy person deserves a sleepless night!).