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Hi guys,
I need some input from fellow horse lovers!
As you all know winter is long,wet and miserable so it’s hard on us horsey peeps so we are all feeling pretty low at mo...
So, I own 5 horses and right now feeling very deflated as all are projects basically!
I have one mare who’s a companion
Second is another mare who is gorgeous, stubborn very forward going but over all easy to do, hacks out alone and in company but is quite green and can be unpredictable at times and can “take off” with you if something triggers her so puts you on edge as you don’t quite know what’s going to happen next. It’s not a full on bolt you can control her but you need to have your guard about you and be ready to basically take hold of the situation.
3rd I have a 17hh Tb older gent total gem to do in all ways,hack in company a total novice could hack him out on the buckle end no stirrups etc a real plod for a Tb , alone tho he naps (walks backwards) I’ve over come this issue twice with him over the years and have had lovely hacks together but over the last year or so he’s lost confidence and now refuses to even make it half way down the lane by himself to the point he backs into hedges , spins etc which he did a spin the other day which chucked me out of the saddle onto the floor infront a lady driving past ... I was fine luckily and he ran off upto the stables and left me walking back horseless!
4th I have my youngest he’s a very big lad really stocky very strong and only 5 so has some growing still to do, he has a lot to potential he’s such a gorgeous horse. I backed him myself slowly so he’s had spells of short riding,hacking ,turned away etc so now it’s time for him to come back into work so he’s going to be very green and need time putting into him. My plan is to send him away for a few weeks professional training within the next couple of months as well as me working getting him going again.
Lastly is my newest boy I’ve had since Oct .. he’s 17.2/3 hh Tb. Typical tb, joggy to hack out which is fine as new this when I went to view/test him. I had some naughty behaviour within the first month or 2 testing behaviour basically which resulted in me coming off him. lately due to weather they have been stabled at night,out in day for several hours unless horrendous weather, the odd night out if not to bad. But he’s started being a pain in the butt even more so when hacking bronking ,nappy,kicking back legs out, grunting checking head down up etc you can sit it but when he’s really annoyed with you it turns out dangerous where he gets so close to cars even parked cars it gets to the point where I have to get off and walk home!
At the start of the hacks he’s fine it’s just when he doesn’t get his own way eg - he likes the reins so you give him more reins then wants to trot/canter up the road ? so the only way to control him is slightly more contact with the reins then he gets the hump after awhile. ?
(It’s not pain related all checks have been carried out). So I’m thinking it’s lack of turnout, Haylage / build up of energy?!
I have a young girl who is coming out a couple of times pw to hack him out as well so he’s getting more exercise and he’s better behaved for her even though he still is naughty she sits it, kicks him on and he soon snaps out of it. With me , he’s not happy until I’m walking home ?
So you can see why I’m feeling down at the moment as I just want to hack out safely and enjoy them , I have my own yard so by myself so it’s important I’m safe when riding out. I spend so much money time and effort on them I just need to have some enjoyment instead of all the hard work all the time.
I’ve had people suggesting I sell one to buy a safer horse to enjoy while working with the “monkeys”!
But I love them all dearly and every week I keep hoping the time and effort I’m putting in with them will pay off and I’ll be able to enjoy hacks out without ending up on the floor,in ditches and almost hitting cars but I’m losing so much time and worried I’ll miss out on another summer or even worse in hospital!
I’m pulling my hair out on what to do guys ??
So do I just keep going and see what summer brings and get my youngster going and try keeping going with my others?
Sell one and buy a more suitable hacker ?
What would you do in my situation?
Ideally I’d buy number 6 but I think my partner would leave me ?
Sorry for the huge essay ? Xx
I need some input from fellow horse lovers!
As you all know winter is long,wet and miserable so it’s hard on us horsey peeps so we are all feeling pretty low at mo...
So, I own 5 horses and right now feeling very deflated as all are projects basically!
I have one mare who’s a companion
Second is another mare who is gorgeous, stubborn very forward going but over all easy to do, hacks out alone and in company but is quite green and can be unpredictable at times and can “take off” with you if something triggers her so puts you on edge as you don’t quite know what’s going to happen next. It’s not a full on bolt you can control her but you need to have your guard about you and be ready to basically take hold of the situation.
3rd I have a 17hh Tb older gent total gem to do in all ways,hack in company a total novice could hack him out on the buckle end no stirrups etc a real plod for a Tb , alone tho he naps (walks backwards) I’ve over come this issue twice with him over the years and have had lovely hacks together but over the last year or so he’s lost confidence and now refuses to even make it half way down the lane by himself to the point he backs into hedges , spins etc which he did a spin the other day which chucked me out of the saddle onto the floor infront a lady driving past ... I was fine luckily and he ran off upto the stables and left me walking back horseless!
4th I have my youngest he’s a very big lad really stocky very strong and only 5 so has some growing still to do, he has a lot to potential he’s such a gorgeous horse. I backed him myself slowly so he’s had spells of short riding,hacking ,turned away etc so now it’s time for him to come back into work so he’s going to be very green and need time putting into him. My plan is to send him away for a few weeks professional training within the next couple of months as well as me working getting him going again.
Lastly is my newest boy I’ve had since Oct .. he’s 17.2/3 hh Tb. Typical tb, joggy to hack out which is fine as new this when I went to view/test him. I had some naughty behaviour within the first month or 2 testing behaviour basically which resulted in me coming off him. lately due to weather they have been stabled at night,out in day for several hours unless horrendous weather, the odd night out if not to bad. But he’s started being a pain in the butt even more so when hacking bronking ,nappy,kicking back legs out, grunting checking head down up etc you can sit it but when he’s really annoyed with you it turns out dangerous where he gets so close to cars even parked cars it gets to the point where I have to get off and walk home!
At the start of the hacks he’s fine it’s just when he doesn’t get his own way eg - he likes the reins so you give him more reins then wants to trot/canter up the road ? so the only way to control him is slightly more contact with the reins then he gets the hump after awhile. ?
(It’s not pain related all checks have been carried out). So I’m thinking it’s lack of turnout, Haylage / build up of energy?!
I have a young girl who is coming out a couple of times pw to hack him out as well so he’s getting more exercise and he’s better behaved for her even though he still is naughty she sits it, kicks him on and he soon snaps out of it. With me , he’s not happy until I’m walking home ?
So you can see why I’m feeling down at the moment as I just want to hack out safely and enjoy them , I have my own yard so by myself so it’s important I’m safe when riding out. I spend so much money time and effort on them I just need to have some enjoyment instead of all the hard work all the time.
I’ve had people suggesting I sell one to buy a safer horse to enjoy while working with the “monkeys”!
But I love them all dearly and every week I keep hoping the time and effort I’m putting in with them will pay off and I’ll be able to enjoy hacks out without ending up on the floor,in ditches and almost hitting cars but I’m losing so much time and worried I’ll miss out on another summer or even worse in hospital!
I’m pulling my hair out on what to do guys ??
So do I just keep going and see what summer brings and get my youngster going and try keeping going with my others?
Sell one and buy a more suitable hacker ?
What would you do in my situation?
Ideally I’d buy number 6 but I think my partner would leave me ?
Sorry for the huge essay ? Xx