Fencing nightmare


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10 August 2020
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On a DIY yard with a large paddock. Liveries have all sectioned their 'areas' off. Livery to my right has used 8 foot posts (scrap wood- splintered- has tacks in) dug into very shallow/ wide holes. Behind that is electric fencing tied to 3 foot temp posts which are held up by scattered wooden posts lodged in buckets filled with quick cement. There is also a walk way where grass grows rapidly as said livery doesnt want our 4 quiet cobs ''touching'' her competition horse. Spoke to.livery who is adament it is a safe set up. Very worried that a horse will get injured in said set up. Advice please?


Well-Known Member
11 February 2010
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Goodness me, she's worried about your cobs but happy to have that horrendous sounding fencing, people are weird. I guess you can't make her change if she's happy with it, and presumably the YO and YM are happy with it. I am having trouble picturing the set up but is there anything that you can do with your own fencing to keep your horses safe?


New User
10 August 2020
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Goodness me, she's worried about your cobs but happy to have that horrendous sounding fencing, people are weird. I guess you can't make her change if she's happy with it, and presumably the YO and YM are happy with it. I am having trouble picturing the set up but is there anything that you can do with your own fencing to keep your horses safe?
Goodness me, she's worried about your cobs but happy to have that horrendous sounding fencing, people are weird. I guess you can't make her change if she's happy with it, and presumably the YO and YM are happy with it. I am having trouble picturing the set up but is there anything that you can do with your own fencing to keep your horses safe?

YO is an old farmer and lets the yard tick over- not much input. An energiser is helping to keep ours contained- in the hope they never stray abd get caught up in it


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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When I was on DIY ‘run’ by an old farmer, I just had to sort my own fencing out to make sure mine were safe. He just wasn’t interested in getting involved in who was doing what and didn’t want to spend any money on fencing. He didn’t repair anything either, so we just had to do our best.
On the plus side, he didn’t interfere with our management, hardly ever spoke to us tbh, just gurned at us from his tractor!!!


Well-Known Member
30 October 2012
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If the yard works for you in every other way, I would just invest in your own electric fencing and fence posts, and energiser, and double fence your own paddock to horses cannot reach others or unsafe fencing. I have had to do this before when yard perimeter field fencing was sagging barbed wire and sheeps netting and rotten fence posts. It is annoying but very do-able.


Well-Known Member
15 July 2003
London and Hertfordshire
It sounds like the fencing of the neighbouring up-market horse is a total nightmare and you should not allow your horses anywhere near it.
The vast amount of injuries to horses is caused by poor fencing.
Is the perimeter fencing of the farm fenced in such a way that horses can not escape from the farm?
The only fencing I trust is good quality Post and Rail Fencing with Equi-Fencing attached to it so that horses can not kick through the fence line.
Electric fencing is fine for keeping horses confined in a well fenced paddock but not to be relied on to prevent horses escaping.
Also ensure that all the horses have third party public liability insurance for no less than £20,000,000 (Twenty Million Pounds) in the event of them escaping.