Feral kitten


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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I love viscous kittens. What's her μ?

^* clearly vicious :p

LOL love a bit of auto-correct fail when typing too fast! Though she is a cat so fairly low viscosity in general if you've ever seen them fit into a clearly too small box.

Update from the vets, they said I could bring her in or just monitor her as they only saw her on Tues. So I think I might try a better quality cat food and see how she goes...


Meowy Catkin

19 July 2010
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:D :D :D

I was reminded of this. https://www.sciencemag.org/news/201...&text=A cat in a small,very much like a solid.

CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS—Are cats liquid or solid? That’s the kind of question that could win a scientist an Ig Nobel Prize, a parody of the Nobel Prize that honors research that “makes people laugh, then think.” But it wasn’t with this in mind that Marc-Antoine Fardin, a physicist at Paris Diderot University, set out to find out whether house cats flow.

Fardin noticed that these furry pets can adapt to the shape of the container they sit in—think of a cat in a vase—similarly to what fluids such as water do. So he used the principles of rheology, the branch of physics that deals with the deformation of matter, to calculate cats’ relaxation time, or the time it takes for them to take up the space of a vase or bathroom sink.

The conclusion? Cats can be either liquid or solid, depending on the circumstances, Fardin reported in the Rheology Bulletin in 2014. (The awards don’t recognize the strangest research of the year, but strange research in general.) A cat in a small box will behave like a fluid, filling up all the space, but a cat in a bathtub full of water will try to minimize its contact with it and behave very much like a solid. For this achievement, Fardin was awarded this year’s Ig Nobel Physics Prize before an audience of more than 1000 people, including genuine Nobel laureates, during a ceremony here at Harvard University’s Sanders Theatre.

The event was presided over by Marc Abrahams, editor of the science humor magazine Annals of Improbable Research, and included the premiere of The Incompetence Opera, a show about the Peter principle and the Dunning-Kruger effect, which both seek to explain why incompetent people rise to the top. Abrahams was joined on stage by a dozen of awardees, who each received a cash prize of 10 trillion dollars—in the form of a Zimbabwean bill whose value is just a few U.S. cents.


Well-Known Member
6 November 2004
North East Scotland
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We used to take on ferals all the time, my mum worked for the CPL. We would do what you've done, pop in the bathroom to let settle and wait until they get friendly - doesnt take long but I remember just spending hours as a child just sitting on the bathroom floor so the cat gained trust in me, I'd leave little cat treats on the floor etc. for it and slowly it'd get closer. It really didnt take very long. I never forced touching them though, I preferred them to come to me in their own time.

She's extremely cute!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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We used to take on ferals all the time, my mum worked for the CPL. We would do what you've done, pop in the bathroom to let settle and wait until they get friendly - doesnt take long but I remember just spending hours as a child just sitting on the bathroom floor so the cat gained trust in me, I'd leave little cat treats on the floor etc. for it and slowly it'd get closer. It really didnt take very long. I never forced touching them though, I preferred them to come to me in their own time.

She's extremely cute!

Yeah it took about 6 days before she was pretty much not feral anymore, there were a couple of times I had to pick her up for one reason or another in the first couple of days but she came round pretty fast, I think the other cats helped a lot and the fact the vets think she was only about 5 weeks when I picked her up!

Into her third week here now and she's bold as brass with the other cats, comes up onto the sofa for cuddles when she wants and is about 80% litter trained. I'm hoping come the weekend and she will be approx. 8 weeks we will be totally litter trained as she is improving everyday.





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14 January 2012
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Fixed it!

Oh what gorgeous photos, she looks great against the red, funny how she likes saddle pads as well mine would always go straight for a freshly washed saddle pad, adding a nice being fur trim to it that youd pay lots for in saddle shops!
Love the photo of them both on the throne!


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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Oh what gorgeous photos, she looks great against the red, funny how she likes saddle pads as well mine would always go straight for a freshly washed saddle pad, adding a nice being fur trim to it that youd pay lots for in saddle shops!
Love the photo of them both on the throne!

I put the pad out for her in case she needed somewhere out of the way of the kitten, didn’t work as Squirrel can get on the table too ???‍♀️...

All the cats lovely saddle pads lol.