Finally I'm starting to believe we may be ok for Royal Cornwall!


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20 August 2007
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JFTD... This mare was fab... Sadly ebs was so jealous she flipped every time I tried to ride her... She was my mums and mums back got so bad she could no longer ride, this was her second show, first show was the show I'm going to the first week of June and she came third out of 15! Anyway, her owner is on here, she posted a thread in pictures saying 'who says cobs can't jump'. That mare was and is a superstar jumper, she was and I'm sure still is super responsive on the flat, lovely outline and no question jumps anything bold as brass... If our old gypsy cob can do it... Your highland stag definatley can;)

When I said 'this' mare I meant this mare!



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20 August 2007
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Oh and for whoever said get some good photos... I will and Twizzle on here, has said she is going to try and get my ring to photograph that day... It would be fab if she can :)


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31 March 2009
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Justabob its people like you that put me off showing. I have a very nice county level riding horse. But after one showing season I'd had enough. Stupid snobbery and miserable spoilt owners who were not happy unless bitching about someone next to them, or paying a well known face to sit on their horse so it qualified. Not all people at county level are like this, but enough are unfortunately. Since giving up I've started stewarding at some fun local shows, its such a delight to see children and adults just having fun and fussing over their horses even if they come last.
I'm going to start showing my coloured next year, and I hope the county level coloured shower's are more like QB than you, other wise I'm sticking to local level.
There's more to life, horses are for loving and enjoying, not just for picking up trophies.

Well said snorkey. I too no longer show mine due to this attitude, which I have to say is even worse in the Mountain and moorland scene. It's not worth putting in the work and spending the money to put up with what is at the end of the day harrassment. It is a sad state of affairs when it comes to this.


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31 July 2009
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It's us 'crap exhibitors' that keep the County shows going by bumping up the entries. Not enough entries = no shows !

Don't be put off QB - I'm a showing novice with a horse that cost £150 and have ended up twice at Hickstead with her ;)

I'm looking forward to hearing your report, as long as they actually let you on the show ground, who knows you might be 'to common' ;)


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20 August 2007
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QB, lovely to see the update. What I'm enjoying is seeing the process of preparation (the snide criticisms aside, of course) and the commitment and pleasure it's giving you. I take my hat off to you for the plaits, which might not be perfect, but are infinitely better than anything I can manage. Thankfully I don't show, and I dont have to plait either - a relief all round :eek:

Justabob your comments are worth just that; an apt name. For many of us, it's not about being the winner, it's the pleasure and fulfilment of improving ourselves and our horses.
QB please keep the updates coming - we can all learn from the process and the constructive suggestions, and enjoy sharing it. I hope the weather is going to be kind for the show :)

It's us 'crap exhibitors' that keep the County shows going by bumping up the entries. Not enough entries = no shows !

Don't be put off QB - I'm a showing novice with a horse that cost £150 and have ended up twice at Hickstead with her ;)

I'm looking forward to hearing your report, as long as they actually let you on the show ground, who knows you might be 'to common' ;)

Ooh good luck OP! Looking forward to your report with lots of piccies of you and Ben winning to prove justabob wrong :D

Thank you guys :). Ooh err flaxen pony... No pressure then?!:D


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28 March 2011
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You need to improve. Your horse looks like it should be shown at a local show.

Local level?! Perish the thought. See, this is exactly the reason why I hate showing, attitudes like this that amount to little more than snobbery. Ever thought that OP is taking her horse partly for the experience, just to 'have a go,' because it's a good day out? I'm doing similar- my horse would probably fall into this category for you too (heck, it doesn't even win at local level- the shame!:rolleyes: ) but for me, it's experience. I'd happily go in as a non-competitor, because the day is more to me than just winning a rosette.


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16 April 2010
South West
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Just wanted to say good luck:) I did Devon County for the first time last week and only our second show together. my YOs advice rings very true. Go and have fun and at the end of the day if your horse is still the one you want to take home then you are the winner:) try not to stress and enjoy all of it:) I had a ball :)


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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Just wanted to say good luck:) I did Devon County for the first time last week and only our second show together. my YOs advice rings very true. Go and have fun and at the end of the day if your horse is still the one you want to take home then you are the winner:) try not to stress and enjoy all of it:) I had a ball :)

Thank you :). It will be bens second ever show! The first is the first weekend of June! I simply thought I would die of nerves, but am actually starting to relax and enjoy the run up :D. What class did you do at DC?


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16 April 2010
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I did middleweight hunters. I was petrified in the run up, didn't relax until we actually got there on the day:) but then took it for what it should be, a fun day out with my big friendly giant and once we were in the ring it was just felt like the two of us, I didn't notice the crowds because we were concentrating so much:) in every picture that we had taken I have a huge smile on my face.


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20 August 2007
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I did middleweight hunters. I was petrified in the run up, didn't relax until we actually got there on the day:) but then took it for what it should be, a fun day out with my big friendly giant and once we were in the ring it was just felt like the two of us, I didn't notice the crowds because we were concentrating so much:) in every picture that we had taken I have a huge smile on my face.

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself sounds like you had a lovely time :). Well done you for braving the nerves! I've felt thoroughly wrecked by them until this week although I'm sure they will probably set in again in the last week, then on the journey up... Will probably only start to breath once he is in his stable at the show... Then I will enjoy :D


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30 July 2006
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I will be there woooooo!! And I was at Devon. And I'm going to Bath next week. The inhand non trad coloured class at Devon was big, 21 or so came forward. I didn't photograph it, but the ring was split in 2 and I was in the other half so had a good view as such. islandspirit I must have photographed your horse as I was in the main ring on thurs at Devon and did all the hunter classes :)

I'll be cheering you on, going to try my hardest to get your ring on the thurs but if I dont, ring me and come find me! Good luck, Moses is rooting for you!!

jrp I am desperate to see the sheep at cornwall this year, trying to persuade OH to let me get half a dozen texels ;)
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Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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I will be there woooooo!! And I was at Devon. And I'm going to Bath next week. The inhand non trad coloured class at Devon was big, 21 or so came forward. I didn't photograph it, but the ring was split in 2 and I was in the other half so had a good view as such. islandspirit I must have photographed your horse as I was in the main ring on thurs at Devon and did all the hunter classes :)

I'll be cheering you on, going to try my hardest to get your ring on the thurs but if I dont, ring me and come find me! Good luck, Moses is rooting for you!!

jrp I am desperate to see the sheep at cornwall this year, trying to persuade OH to let me get half a dozen texels ;)

Twizzle... I was really nice and calm... Then I looked on JP's website at the DC coloureds... Soooooo whiiiiiiite!!!!:eek::eek::eek: now bricking it and buying in lots of bleachy stuff ;)

Took Benjamin into the school in hand today... Erm, we are not quite so chilled in there:rolleyes: although he did calm after five mins and we got a decent and straight trot down the Center line and some nice walks and trots... I'm hoping the fact that he will have a long journey to rc will chill him out a bit!

I will make sure you can watch us hunny xx you've been such a support and. Would love to share the moment with you if I can xxx

Tell. Moses I have a jar of mint sauce with his name on it xxx

Miss you chicken, we have to catch up soonxx p.s. if you can find me... I will have a hip flask... I may share a dram with you xx


Well-Known Member
30 July 2006
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Will do! I think you might have bought a photo from me too, did you go to the TWRC open show a few weeks ago?

We will have to catch up soon Em, maybe once I'm home from the county shows? July is looking slightly more sedate... June is just crazy!


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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Will do! I think you might have bought a photo from me too, did you go to the TWRC open show a few weeks ago?

We will have to catch up soon Em, maybe once I'm home from the county shows? July is looking slightly more sedate... June is just crazy!

That would be lovely :) xx


Well-Known Member
16 April 2010
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Twizzel, your photographs were fantastic:) my husband bought almost all of them for me, bless him.
Queenbee, I'm sure you don't need any help with preparation but my horse is a grey and I am quiet proud to say he was gleaming, if you want any product recommendations pm me:)


Well-Known Member
19 April 2009
Kent South East England
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Oh QB that is amazing, how wonderful for you and so exciting He looks GAWJUS and I am sure that you will both be fine, go out and enjoy the experience have have a lovely time. Will want to see the photos of course so make sure you get loads done. Good luck not that you will need it x


Well-Known Member
20 August 2007
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Twizzel, your photographs were fantastic:) my husband bought almost all of them for me, bless him.
Queenbee, I'm sure you don't need any help with preparation but my horse is a grey and I am quiet proud to say he was gleaming, if you want any product recommendations pm me:)

I will take all the tips and pointers I can get on getting the mud monkey sparkling, so any recommendations would be gratefully received :D thank you :D

Oh QB that is amazing, how wonderful for you and so exciting He looks GAWJUS and I am sure that you will both be fine, go out and enjoy the experience have have a lovely time. Will want to see the photos of course so make sure you get loads done. Good luck not that you will need it x

Thank you :D Will flood the forum with photos I promise :D

Will hopefully be there to watch you hopefully going to show my yearling there next year so will be looking to see how you pro's do it..
Pro's? *snort* I am about as far removed from being a pro as you can get:p but I intend to have a damned good bash at not making a complete tit of myself.:p:p Hopefully see you there :D