First ever eventers challenge...


Well-Known Member
2 June 2013
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So in June I'll be competing in my first ever eventers challenge, I'll be doing the smallest class haha but I just wanted to know what to expect? It's my first time and my horses first time, we've trained at the xc course where it's being held so it's not completely terrifying but would just like to know what we will be required to do etc :)


Well-Known Member
17 August 2008
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Traditionally you jump a round of show jumps then continue out of the ring onto a round of XC jumps. You might then also go back into the SJ ring afterward. One part of it will be timed - sometimes the XC bit, sometimes the second SJ bit. The object is to go clear as close to the bogey time as possible (and they won't tell you what that is but usually somewhere around 395mpm.) Faster than time will beat slower than the time - but fastest closest wins.

The sticky bit in my experience is the first XC jump. Ned knows what he is doing in an SJ ring and on an XC course but put them together and it can confuse them, especially if you have to actually jump out of the SJ ring. The neds to know they are not normally supposed to do that! Some have problems coming back in for the second SJ phase as ned's blood is up and he is running flat which can cost poles once you're back in the ring.

Good luck - have fun!


Well-Known Member
2 June 2013
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Traditionally you jump a round of show jumps then continue out of the ring onto a round of XC jumps. You might then also go back into the SJ ring afterward. One part of it will be timed - sometimes the XC bit, sometimes the second SJ bit. The object is to go clear as close to the bogey time as possible (and they won't tell you what that is but usually somewhere around 395mpm.) Faster than time will beat slower than the time - but fastest closest wins.

The sticky bit in my experience is the first XC jump. Ned knows what he is doing in an SJ ring and on an XC course but put them together and it can confuse them, especially if you have to actually jump out of the SJ ring. The neds to know they are not normally supposed to do that! Some have problems coming back in for the second SJ phase as ned's blood is up and he is running flat which can cost poles once you're back in the ring.

Good luck - have fun!

oo okay! I'll have to work on mine and my horses' fitness then haha, it's his first time competing over an xc course and it's mine as well so as long as we get round I'll be happy!

Thank you I'm a lot less clueless now! :)