First Show on Mare - this Sunday


Well-Known Member
22 January 2004
Was Surrey - Now Vancouver, Canada!!!!!
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It's not much to shout about as it's only a local show over tiddly fences, but i'm both excited and nervous about taking htis mare to her first show on Sunday. Entered in just 2'3 and 2'6 and we're there to school really and we wont' be competitive.. after the lesson on tuesday i was feeling rather confident with her, but hten after our hack on Wednesday night, i'm not so sure. lunged her last night and she lunged over tiny fences so encouraged slightly. tonight we're hacking with another horse, so hopefully we'll get some decent canter work in too.

Kelly1982 may be posting some pics of our last lesson up on the board here too hopefully - if she's at work today?!!

i'll let you know on monday how we fared - but wish us luck...

Cheers - Bandit xx