First Splat Of The Year

28 February 2011
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As I was racing on New Years Day I didn't sit on a horse until the 2nd. The first horse I sat on I got splatted from! It wasn't his fault! We were trotting up the road (head lad said he had salted it and it was fine ...) I saw a bit that didn't look great so went to pull up. Too late. The horses legs went from under him and we both hit the deck. He was only supposed to be trotting so I lead him home whilst everyone else headed on to the gallops. I will pick the gallops story up a bit later ?

So as I went down I must have clunked my head as I had a hard time getting up. I sat up then needed to steady myself a second, knelt, steadied myself, stood up and just about stottered into one of the lads but managed to catch myself, walked over to my horse and gave him a pat. The whole time insisting that I was fine I just needed a second to get my head straight. It's made out of wood so it's fine. As I took my horses reins the head lad pointed out I had a nose bleed. Hmm. Never had one of them before but it's ok, it wasn't pouring. He then rang back to the yard to get someone to come and pick me up. In a car. But they didn't think what would happen to the horse - you couldn't exactly tie him to a fence and come back for him ? so I lead him home bouncing about the place - hes a bit fresh as he had had a few days off.

So I get back to the yard, being followed by one of the yard lads in his car to make sure I was ok.

It didn't occur to me until I told my OH what had happened later that evening that there were bits I didn't remember. I couldn't remember hitting the ground, I couldn't remember the horse getting up nor anyone else stopping and getting off. So I guessed I must have been ko'd breifly. Turns out I was out for almost a minute - whoops! But I was fine, I carried on and clipped 2 horses after.

And onto the gallops story:

About an hour later the rest return. It took them a LONG time to get back from the gallops. There were snapchats saying they were completely lost in a stubble field. So basically the main road hadn't been gritted (nothing round here has for weeks that we haven't done ourselves and the main road only gets done on school days) so they managed to get carefully to the gallops but they didn't want to risk it home. The boss was rung to see if there was an alternative route home so she tells them to go straight across the road from the botton of the gallops, cross 2 stubble fields and that gets you almost home. Well! None of them have ever beem across those fields as we haven't used them in a good few years (fell out of favour with the farmer!) And so they got completely lost ??? the fields were np where near roads so they couldn't even follow that ??? There are only 4 of us still on the yard that know that way across those fields ??? and none of us were there ??? they got so lost ???

Today I am fine, I have sore neck muscles and abs but otherwise I am tickety boo!

The moral of the story - don't trot on icy roads on a 17hh tb! It's a long way down!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2009
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Ouch! Hope you're okay. Please be mindful of further delayed concussion.

I hope Voix D'eau and the lovely Mint Gold are too. Neither looked too thrilled at the thought of New Year's Day racing.
28 February 2011
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Ouch! Hope you're okay. Please be mindful of further delayed concussion.

I hope Voix D'eau and the lovely Mint Gold are too. Neither looked too thrilled at the thought of New Year's Day racing.

VD will be looking for a new career I think. They went too fast for him and he said no thanks! I blame the boss - as we finished saddling him she gave him a pat and told him to jump round and keep himself safe ??? he decided 4 fences was enough jumping and took the keeping himself safe part very seriously! Mint had a big ask to go up a lot in grade and trip in one go but he is still a lovely horse to look forward to in the future.
28 February 2011
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I’m stunned that they put you back on a horse having been ‘out’ for a minute ?

I didn't get back on him, I lead him home and wasn't down for anymore lots anyway that day as I had some to clip with sedation before they run. Don't worry I'm not daft enough to clamber back up afyer something like that straight away! Plus I am absolutely attrocious at leg ups and this horse doesn't stand for love nor money at a fence or gate.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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I didn't get back on him, I lead him home and wasn't down for anymore lots anyway that day as I had some to clip with sedation before they run. Don't worry I'm not daft enough to clamber back up afyer something like that straight away! Plus I am absolutely attrocious at leg ups and this horse doesn't stand for love nor money at a fence or gate.

Sorry, I‘d misread ??‍♀️???


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8 August 2014
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Hells bells I hope you have no lasting damage. The ground here is frozen solid and I’ve lost count of the number of folk ive had to say no to when asked out for a hack over the past few days. Tonight two folk left yard as sun going down..3.30pm and were back 20 mins later complaining they couldn’t get to a ride destination because of a large frozen puddle. The place they wanted to get to was exposed and equally frozen hard as the yard was....what made them think it would be softer or more safe...bizarre.

Take care’s raining here on and off now so goodness knows what the situation will be in the morning.
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Well-Known Member
19 April 2014
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Ouch. Hope you and horse are ok and no lasting damage. Roads round here have been awful. Think they’ve furloughed the gritters!


Well-Known Member
19 January 2009
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VD will be looking for a new career I think. They went too fast for him and he said no thanks! I blame the boss - as we finished saddling him she gave him a pat and told him to jump round and keep himself safe ??? he decided 4 fences was enough jumping and took the keeping himself safe part very seriously! Mint had a big ask to go up a lot in grade and trip in one go but he is still a lovely horse to look forward to in the future.

I like Mint Gold a lot. Great plan on the part of VD to follow the boss's orders and not to get too far away from the racecourse stables. Bit of a messy race all in all. Poor old Garde la Victoire got a kick in the face from the falling Fanzio.