First time of really feeling unsafe!


Well-Known Member
19 November 2005
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they're very gallant sometimes arent they

this pipe was running elec fencing across the path-he is wary of white tape but thats hardly surprising-(was scared of the weight tape when he first saw it lol)! A couple of weeks ago we had to cross some tape (wasnt connected to anything) and he was scared (just roots himself to the spot and snorts a bit)-same thing. I led him past it and now he goes past it no trouble! I'm pretty convinced I can handle him on the ground though plus he's not stupid, which helps.

chestnut cob

Well-Known Member
24 November 2004
Rhyn is actually quite a lot easier on the ground when he doesn't like something. There's a blue pipe across a bridleway/track we sometimes go along which he wouldn't walk over the first time he saw it. Stopped dead and snorted!! Now he will trot over it but if we canter he has to jump it like it's 3ft
Just in case it's a snake....


Well-Known Member
15 December 2005
Southern Spain
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Well Sally we will have to agree to disagree. I take all my advice and knowledge from the trainers and experience I have had in the past and present.

Yes you can get caught out and I have been in the past but if you are a capable enough rider, then you should be able to difuse the situation. I have had my horse turn themselves inside out before now but would never take a horse on a road like you just described anyway. My horses are exceptionally valuable and very rarely "hack out" now anyway. Hack out as in anything other than a walk up the road and hill work.

Most of the time, my mother comes with me on foot to difuse any situations that may arise. I believe it is foolhardy to ride any young horse out anywhere it has not been before accompanied, or had a lot of experience of. This is nothing to do with JoElla and what she did.

I think thats why I would never get off, my horses are too precious to be damaged or even to be hacking out in the first place. But I have to admit, they don't get turned out either so, each to their own!!

Did not mean to cause an arguement!!!!


Well-Known Member
11 January 2002
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Sorry DS, not meaning to argue either - certainly hope we don't fall out over this

I just feel it's important that you differentiate between what's best for you & your horses & advice to people generally (not just Jo, but all the people who read these posts & don't feel the need to comment...). You have clearly been advised not to dismount, based on your ability & your horse & I agree that that is the best approach. However, some people may not be as competant or confident (not referring to Jo here) & therefore we all must understand our own personal limitations. I would think safer advice is to say 'never get off a horse unless you absolutely have to'.

With regard to 'that type of road', sometimes you don't know a surface is slippery UNTIL the clattering of hooves, that's the problem. Most of us DO have to suffer blind bends & most of us also have to suffer vehicles on the roads...

I think you'll find that Jo has hacked along this road before & that Otto has never reacted like this before so really I think it was as simple as being caught out - not something she could honestly have expected to happen. Same as my mare at the weekend - she's usually bold, brave & brassy BUT something got to her & I could literally feel her heart pumping, she felt like a ticking time bomb.


Well-Known Member
15 December 2005
Southern Spain
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No course we not fallen out!!!!

I'm lucky in the fact that where I ma in the mountains, I don't have to go on a road at all, I can walk up the tracks. I don't envy anyone who goes near a road!!

Jane xxx


Well-Known Member
10 August 2005
London - Essex side
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This happens from time to time. Spring is nearby, even my little Chancer pranced along (looked fantastic) at the weekend and did one big leap through the air and was generally very on his toes. He is normally very laid back.

I used to have a very large and temperamental WB mare, and there were one or two times, when I did as you did. To have stayed onboard would have resulted in one of us being seriously hurt.

Once we encountered the deadly sheep - the road was steep and the rears and freaking out were getting worse, and a car was sitting behind. I got off, stroked and reassured her and walked her quietly (well she pranced a bit) past, then walked another mile to find something to get back on with. As she felt safer and we had not made a huge issue, she went past them on the way home, albeit trotting along like a tigger.

With Fleur, if she was in a state, me being on the ground calmed her down as she trusted me and would go anywhere if I walked besides her.

Getting off is a last resort, but if your horse is like she was, and improves when you are beside them, then it is far better than staying onboard.

Finally don't forget, one of the joys of a youngster is good and bad days, hopefully there being more of the good days.


Active Member
23 July 2005
In the Middle of nowhere!!!
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I shouldnt worry i exspect it was a one off, maybe he felt a bit off that day, and couldnt really be bothered.

Just make sure next time, maybe get some to go with you on foot or on a bike so that you dont have to get off and they can lead him past it with you on him.

You never know you could take him past it tomorrow and he may not have a care in the world, they are like that you will never know what they can do.



Well-Known Member
1 March 2004
Hey, it's me!
Well me and Otto got over this one thanks to my wonderful instructor! Never had this problem since we sorted it, only the other day we were out just the two of us cantering and jumping logs in the woods! Go Otto!