Well-Known Member
Having had pony for 13 years we are going to go and try our very first showing show!
But I am clueless! She is PB Arab and it’s a fairly big agricultural show.
Should I be using coloured velvet brown band? What colour?
We only have a black dressage saddle - will this be okay?
Should I have a blue jacket?
Thinking of doing the ridden and in hand Arab class.
Any help massively appreciated!
Photo of pony to help with type.
But I am clueless! She is PB Arab and it’s a fairly big agricultural show.
Should I be using coloured velvet brown band? What colour?
We only have a black dressage saddle - will this be okay?
Should I have a blue jacket?
Thinking of doing the ridden and in hand Arab class.
Any help massively appreciated!
Photo of pony to help with type.