Well-Known Member
Also, how did fish from the fair survive in my tiny little circle tank with no filter system and no air pumps etc?
Also, how did fish from the fair survive in my tiny little circle tank with no filter system and no air pumps etc?
I think, if I was you, I'd go for a basic tropical set up. Start of with some guppies or platys (both easy and pretty) then think about other fish types later.
Agree with tropical and that would be my choice if I was starting over again. Much more colourful! But do go tropical and NOT marine. The latter is a lot more work! If you had a smallish tank I would look at buying a number if tetras, but you do need the heater and air pump.
They don't survive for long. Any that survive for more than a week is down to luck and nothing more! They suffer from ammonia poisoning, stunting, and then they die a miserable death.