Fittening question(s!) - help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
23 October 2007
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Hope you all don't mind me posting in here about it - I was pointed in this direction after my thread in the stable yard.

Basically, the story is I've had Chloe for about a year now. She's 15hh, and is a cobby type. I've never really had a structured fittening programme for her - I didn't really need to, as last hunting season, we weren't really 'gelling', so thought it best to give it a miss....however, I know I've left it late, but I'd really like to hunt her and do some more in Jan, after my mocks. My sister, a big hunting girl, also wants to take her hunting, when I can't. (won't be able to do it very often because of exams etc..) but I would love to get out a couple of times, and do some more competition wise, now.

She's on full livery, because I can only get down on weekends. She's ridden 3 times a week, just to keep her ticking over, so all together 5 times a week. She'll do 2 hour hacks, jumping, and a good 45 minutes of schooling, and she'll manage okay. She does sweat a lot though - she's not the quietest of horses, particularly out hacking, so thats when she really does sweat up, even if we haven't done much.

Here are the best pictures to judge her condition by:
The most recent picture I have of her, during a lesson:

And a small xc comp in Sept (
at lack of hairnet)

Eww...that turned into a bit of an essay...sorry. Just asking for advice on how to start getting her fit, what 'routines' would you use, how often, and how would this tie in with her rather boring feed - just half a scoop of chaff and cubes, twice a day - she doesn't need any more energy right now, although she is perfectly manageable. How should I judge when to begin to increase it, after she gets a little fitter? I've been reccomended feeding oil...(from stable yard thread) . I just don't know really where to start beginning to build up her feed etc....Is it just a matter of judgement...i.e If I feel her more tired thatn usualy after a normal 1hr hack, should I add an extra half scoop in...that sort of thing.

This all makes me sound really stupid - I have been looking into oils though, for the near future, and prefer linseed oil etc... My instructor is always around to give me advice re. feeding - she has been amazing since I moved Chloe to her current yard.

I'm really sorry, it's become a long, rambling essay about feed and fittening stuff....sooo many questions too...I know I'm asking a lot, but any input appreciated! Thank you very much!


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1 April 2002
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ummm... okay, if she's being worked 5 days a week, for up to 2 hours, i'd say she's pretty fit already. ideally i'd want her worked 6 days a week, even if that extra day is just walking. i'd start incorporating some steady cantering if you can, build up her fitness that way, start with a 2 minute canter, give her at least a minute to recover (see how puffed out she is, if very, then give her an extra minute or two), then 2 min canter again. if you have a hill to canter up, so much the better. i'd want her cantering twice a week if possible, even if it's only for a few minutes. you can incorporate this interval training into your schooling, even, if you don't have a stretch long enough for canter/gallop work.
the next time you do canter work (3 or 4 days later) i'd do 2 1/2 mins, 2 or 3 times, with breathers in between. the next time, 3 mins, with breathers. up to a maximum of 4 or 5 mins, i think. playing it all by ear - if she feels tired, slow down, or stop and walk. never work the horse till it is tired - it is much more likely to injure itself, pull a muscle, ligament or tendon.
if it's hill work, reduce times. for instance i used to use quite steep uphill point-to-point gallops, which took 1 min 30 secs to 1 min 50 secs depending on how fast you went, and 4 times up there quickly = fit enough for Advanced eventing!
you say about her sweating - is she clipped? if not, and you want to get her fit, i think it's a good idea.
feed-wise, i'd stick with what she's on. if she feels tired, up it a little, but don't go mad. oil is good to feed, but not all horses relish it. it's better for their gut than cereals and nuts though, imho.
best of luck!


Well-Known Member
23 October 2007
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ummm... okay, if she's being worked 5 days a week, for up to 2 hours, i'd say she's pretty fit already. ideally i'd want her worked 6 days a week, even if that extra day is just walking. i'd start incorporating some steady cantering if you can, build up her fitness that way, start with a 2 minute canter, give her at least a minute to recover (see how puffed out she is, if very, then give her an extra minute or two), then 2 min canter again. if you have a hill to canter up, so much the better. i'd want her cantering twice a week if possible, even if it's only for a few minutes. you can incorporate this interval training into your schooling, even, if you don't have a stretch long enough for canter/gallop work.
the next time you do canter work (3 or 4 days later) i'd do 2 1/2 mins, 2 or 3 times, with breathers in between. the next time, 3 mins, with breathers. up to a maximum of 4 or 5 mins, i think. playing it all by ear - if she feels tired, slow down, or stop and walk. never work the horse till it is tired - it is much more likely to injure itself, pull a muscle, ligament or tendon.
if it's hill work, reduce times. for instance i used to use quite steep uphill point-to-point gallops, which took 1 min 30 secs to 1 min 50 secs depending on how fast you went, and 4 times up there quickly = fit enough for Advanced eventing!
you say about her sweating - is she clipped? if not, and you want to get her fit, i think it's a good idea.
feed-wise, i'd stick with what she's on. if she feels tired, up it a little, but don't go mad. oil is good to feed, but not all horses relish it. it's better for their gut than cereals and nuts though, imho.
best of luck!

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, thanks for all that!
Seem to have phrased it badly - I don't really ride her two hours a day, but we'll go on the odd longer hack with a couple of canters and a gallop, and she will be quite tired from it, but she manages perfectly well, still alert and happy at the end of it!
She's clipped, but is getting all hairy again, so she'll be done again soon.

Thanks so much for the advice - I'm going to get onto those hills tomorrow
Won't go too mad though you said, will just play it by ear!
taa again the replying