Thank you. Maybe I just need to get on with it! Trimming probably not a good plan when they can't grow back. Artistic and handy I am not... And yes, I suspect it's me more than him that's bothered. He seems to really like the flexes (was in cavallos, but they are very clumpy on such dainty legs).They look about right to me. There should be a slight overlap if I remember correctly, but yes, you can downsize if you wish! Might be easier to just trim excess if it's the overlap bothering you/him, but that's irreversible of course!
Mine don't budge (early days) either, and I am not convinced I am always correct tightness. Might see if my PC drilled 'never leave anything sticking out' brain can cope with not tucking away, as I am sure that doesn't help!I have them and don't thread the pastern strap through the end slots on the gaiter. More overlap that doesn't run into an obstruction.
I only have them loose though, as they never seem to budge!