Fly tipping - grrrr

Polos Mum

Well-Known Member
22 September 2012
West Yorkshire
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Just a moan post. but some lazy idiot fly tipped a load of rubbish into my fields last night. Luckily not ones with horses in but still a right pain to clear up.

Apparently (according to guy at the tip) if we report it to police or council then we can't take it to the tip without paying a fee. Presumably this is because the councils don't want accurate records of how often this goes on !!

I will purchase some - beware of the bull signs or fake CCTV cameras for there in the next few days !
Thanks for listening to my grumble


Well-Known Member
25 August 2010
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I feel your pain it's a real problem in a lot of places our lane is a favourite place for many of them it just looks so awful, I hope you can dump it for free but you have to physically get rid of it yourself which is a pita:(


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1 August 2006
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The guidance makes me even more cross than the crime itself. What a waste of public money to produce a shirty little notice which lays a whole load more costs, threats and responsibilities on the landowner, and offers no help or services whatsoever.

If the council won't clear it away for you (which they should - the reason it's being tipped in the first place is the idiotic 'landfill tax'), they could at least tell you where you can legally and freely dispose of it.


Situation normal
1 July 2004
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It's so awful.

But if councils made it easier to dispose of rubbish I suspect incidents would reduce significantly.

Polos Mum

Well-Known Member
22 September 2012
West Yorkshire
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Unfortunately there is no free legal way of getting rid of fly tipped waste on private land.

Will my option of a giant bonfire not work, there's lots of cardboard, plasterboard, wall insulation - that sort of thing - a good bit of it will burn

Ludicrous obviously to burn it esp. as some could be recycled - as I could take it all to the tip (my own time and diesel) but I can't bring myself to pay cash as well as time and diesel for someone idiots rubbish !!


Well-Known Member
1 July 2009
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It’s a huge problem where we live however my recent experience of trying to take some carpet to the tip went like this.

Sorry you can’t bring van into the tip you need a pass.
Go home, unload.
Get pass, takes forever as can only do it online.
Load rubbish back up again.
Go to tip again.
Sorry your van is too large despite you stating the van make model and year on the tip. Argue about this as nowhere on the pass does it say the van can be too large or that there are size limits.
Manager states as my van may contain a horseso isn’t allowed in.
I assure you there are no horses only carpet, argue about this some more.
Manager and tip man come in to inspect to ensure no horses and finally lets me in.
Wait in huge que, get wrong some more for holding up que with overly large van.
Have discussion again with second tip man that there is no horse on board.
Angry tip man finally allows me to put carpet into skip after inspecting contents again.
Eventually a whole 24 hours later carpet is successfully in bin.

I can see how someone less determined would have dumped it however wrong it is.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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The guidance makes me even more cross than the crime itself. What a waste of public money to produce a shirty little notice which lays a whole load more costs, threats and responsibilities on the landowner, and offers no help or services whatsoever.

If the council won't clear it away for you (which they should - the reason it's being tipped in the first place is the idiotic 'landfill tax'), they could at least tell you where you can legally and freely dispose of it.

Where’s your land I propose that it’s used for the next landfill? I mean it’s really hard to find anywhere anyone wants one so it’s refreshing to know you’re in favour of more landfills.

Why should council tax payers pay for businesses to dispose of their waste and indeed those that run actual businesses where people pay to take their waste away? You do understand that there isn’t a magic money tree for councils to pay for this your taxes would have to be raise to pay for it. Unfortunate though it is I’d rather a landowner paid for removal of waste because it incentivises them to secure their land properly and as someone living in a mid-terrace with a tiny garden I don’t want to subsidise wealthy landowners.

Waste producers should pay. The more waste you produce the more you pay. Just because a minority don’t follow the law doesn’t mean it’s a bad one.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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It’s just typical you are the victim of a crime then you get treated like a criminal yourself .
The councils should be ashamed of them selves .


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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Where’s your land I propose that it’s used for the next landfill? I mean it’s really hard to find anywhere anyone wants one so it’s refreshing to know you’re in favour of more landfills.

Why should council tax payers pay for businesses to dispose of their waste and indeed those that run actual businesses where people pay to take their waste away? You do understand that there isn’t a magic money tree for councils to pay for this your taxes would have to be raise to pay for it. Unfortunate though it is I’d rather a landowner paid for removal of waste because it incentivises them to secure their land properly and as someone living in a mid-terrace with a tiny garden I don’t want to subsidise wealthy landowners.

Waste producers should pay. The more waste you produce the more you pay. Just because a minority don’t follow the law doesn’t mean it’s a bad one.

Yes it is, and while your on explain how you protect yourself from some one chucking rubbish over your hedge .

Polos Mum

Well-Known Member
22 September 2012
West Yorkshire
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Where’s your land I propose that it’s used for the next landfill? I mean it’s really hard to find anywhere anyone wants one so it’s refreshing to know you’re in favour of more landfills.

Why should council tax payers pay for businesses to dispose of their waste and indeed those that run actual businesses where people pay to take their waste away? You do understand that there isn’t a magic money tree for councils to pay for this your taxes would have to be raise to pay for it. Unfortunate though it is I’d rather a landowner paid for removal of waste because it incentivises them to secure their land properly and as someone living in a mid-terrace with a tiny garden I don’t want to subsidise wealthy landowners.

Waste producers should pay. The more waste you produce the more you pay. Just because a minority don’t follow the law doesn’t mean it’s a bad one.

Most of the waste here could be recycled, it doesn't need landfill if it was properly sorted at the tip. The council do most of the time pick up the bill for this - usually it's dumped side of the road or similar.
The council should realise they spend more collecting fly tipped waste than they save from making it hard to get to the tip. Most tip isn't landfill it's recycled or burned as bio fuel!

I absolutely promise being a field owner doesn't make you wealthy and my land is secure - they dumped it all over the fence - it would be a sad day if we all had to have 6 ft razor wire topped fence everywhere.


Well-Known Member
21 April 2010
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I tried to take a broken wooden bench in my horse trailer to be recycled in the wood container. Wasn’t allowed in as had 2 axels. Had to park outside and carry the thing in.

I can’t offload work supplies in the city as my car isn’t a commercial vehicle. Commercial vehicles can, private get a ticket.

Why can’t it be the same at the recycling centres? ANPR Barrier goes up if your private or commercial with a pass. Simplez!


Well-Known Member
3 February 2009
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I get fed up with finding stuff that people deem fit to chuck over my field gate - two dining chairs this week, a double mattress last month and a load of building materials including asbestos tiles late last year which cost me a small fortune to get removed.


Well-Known Member
31 May 2013
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We had a bag of household crap left in our little lane. Which is just plain laziness. There are 4 service stations within proximity where you can shove a carrier bag full of rubbish in a bin. A lane opposite is just another landfill...grrr… Nice quiet lane and... couch, fridge, garden offcuts, building bits, nursery bits...even a burned car..

Our tip guys are good, but... Before I could wink, smile and flap my long (I wish... lol) eyelashes and chuck a couple of bits in the boot of my car from the tip. Now, no can do Pedro, council added a bunch (a decent size bunch!) of cameras so nothing leaves, "preventing resale".


Well-Known Member
15 December 2015
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It's very frustrating, since the car (intentionally) blocking the gate has been moved, we've had flytipping out the back gate, including lots of glass. Not only does that gateway need to be clear for the farmer to get in and out when he does the fields, but we use that back gateway to load horses and to shortcut throguh the fields after a hack.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Yes it is, and while your on explain how you protect yourself from some one chucking rubbish over your hedge .

No it isn’t but it has never gone far enough so that successive governments have failed to ensure that there is sufficient recycling infrastructure in this country to replace landfill. Yes it is difficult to protect yourself I’m not saying it isn’t but who’s to say that people wouldn’t just chuck their waste on their own land and say it’s fly-tipping and get the council to take it away? For example.


Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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Most of the waste here could be recycled, it doesn't need landfill if it was properly sorted at the tip. The council do most of the time pick up the bill for this - usually it's dumped side of the road or similar.
The council should realise they spend more collecting fly tipped waste than they save from making it hard to get to the tip. Most tip isn't landfill it's recycled or burned as bio fuel!

I absolutely promise being a field owner doesn't make you wealthy and my land is secure - they dumped it all over the fence - it would be a sad day if we all had to have 6 ft razor wire topped fence everywhere.

When I had my kitchen done I paid a reputable company to take my waste away. Considering the amount I spent on the kitchen the extra amount was negligible. When I have large items I pay for the council to collect them. It’s what decent people do. There are commercial tips for commercial/ industrial waste and that’s where business waste should go.

By the way it is an offence for anyone including householders to give their waste to someone who isn’t authorised to take it such as a permitted waste site or a registered waste carrier. There are proposals to introduce a fixed penalty notice as an additional enforcement tool.

When I say wealthy - yes there are those of extreme wealth that own massive amounts of land eg Duchy of Cornwall, Duke of Norfolk and many others. However, we all have to think that the fact that we have horses and in some cases land in addition to our houses and means that we must be wealthy compared to a large part of society. I include myself in that.

I have every sympathy with landowners I really do it’s just the burden of clearance cannot be passed to councils or the wider tax payer it just isn’t affordable.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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No it isn’t but it has never gone far enough so that successive governments have failed to ensure that there is sufficient recycling infrastructure in this country to replace landfill. Yes it is difficult to protect yourself I’m not saying it isn’t but who’s to say that people wouldn’t just chuck their waste on their own land and say it’s fly-tipping and get the council to take it away? For example.

I am telling you I dont Chuck waste onto my own land .
Its not difficult to protect yourself its impossible .
And it’s not the governments fault we have excellent recycling and waste disposal facilitity six miles away from here it’s the fault of the people who dump it .
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Well-Known Member
2 July 2009
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I am telling you I dont Chuck waste onto my own land .
Its not difficult to protect yourself its impossible .
And it’s not the governments fault we have excellent recycling and waste disposal facilitity six miles away from here it’s the fault of the people who dump it .

You only see the picture from your narrow perspective you have no knowledge of the waste industry, waste crime and all it’s complexities at all. Much like Brexit people think it is simple and it really isn’t.


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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You only see the picture from your narrow perspective you have no knowledge of the waste industry, waste crime and all it’s complexities at all. Much like Brexit people think it is simple and it really isn’t.

Why should I see it from any perspective except my own .
People break the law by chucking rubbish which they are too lazy to take to the waste centre on to my land and it’s supposed to be my fault for not protecting by self , it’s arrant nonsense .


Well-Known Member
31 March 2009
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I had a lorry load of waste dumped in my front drive so I rang 101 for the Police I waited 40 minutes and the phone was answered and they said the did not deal with fly tipping it was a local council responsibility. I searched throught the rubbish for the child support bills and electricity bills and went round and rang the bell. A window opened and a young man stuck his head out I said you have had your rubbish cleared he said yes I said get it off my front drive he said he would ring them. I emailed my local councillor and three days later a manager from the council came around and took a statement. A week later I asked what progress had been made and was told that as the resident was in another council area they had written to them to ask who was the householder another week later they were waiting for a reply. Another week they said they had asked the householder to come to he council offices to make a statement under caution and she said she was not well enough to travel so they are going to send someone to the house to take the statement. Next day they rang up and said as a gesture of good will they would take the rubbish away and I would not be charged. I think they just wanted to get rid of me.


Well-Known Member
27 July 2010
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Someone dump a tripper lorry load of garden waste infront of my field gate so it was difficult to open or get in and out. Looking at the waste and type of plants it had obviously come from a very smart garden. I was lucky that a local company came with a grab lorry and charged me a reduced rate.
I live along a rural rat run, and not far from a closed tip. People dump larger stuff, old sofas, car tyres, fridges etc on the old tip road. What really gets my goat is all the rubbish people throw from their cars, when did this become acceptable? If it workman, tied up in a bag, women it nappies and used sanitary products, then there is the fast food rubbish, which the foxes drag into my fields to snack on.

Even the health conscious leave theirs sports energy drinks/food wrappers on the road, as they run past. I went to an historic castle last week with immaculate grounds and someone had dumped a nappy bag on the grass, what's wrong with people?

It is unacceptable for anyone to leave litter of any sort anywhere.


Well-Known Member
11 May 2012
Amesbury, Wiltshire
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OP, I've just noticed the list of wastes you have had tipped on your land includes plasterboard - please be aware that this needs to be disposed of separately to the other waste by law.

I work in the waste industry on local authority contracts; I don't have the time or energy to explain why many of the posts are incorrect in their view of the law and local authority waste disposal obligations which are in fact much more narrow than most people expect.


Well-Known Member
29 April 2017
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The waste industry is highly regulated as some of the people have said. Sadly there is a thriving industry of people who will collect domestic waste for a fee but they are not licensed waste carriers and their version of disposal is a gateway somewhere. Householders are liable in these situations - they too are being duped by these people. In this case, search those boxes and stuff carefully for an address. Pursue the people at that address - they are liable. The lesson for those disposing of waste is to ensure that they use a bone fide operator to collect and dispose of it.