Foal scared to death by fireworks


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9 November 2021
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Author Claire Willard:

This is heartbreaking for me to write but there is one less pony in my life today. Last night i got that call that all horse owners dread. The one that tells you your horse is dead. Yes, you read that right. Unfortunately my little black cute dude got so spooked by fireworks last night that he jumped out of the field. (skid marks suggest he jumped the gate. He's only 12.2hh so that was a hell of a jump for a little pony) someone stopped and put hazards on and tried to calm archer. Another car came past, overtaking the car with hazzards on and at the same time another firework went off scaring archer right into the path of the car. He was hit head first and the car was a write off. Driver was okay with cuts and grazes from windscreen glass and a possibly sprined leg (from what i heard the paramedic tell thepolice officer) By the time i got there they had already contacted a local farmer to move Archer's body as it was blocking the road. So i got to see my pony, lifted onto a fladbed trailer. He left a pool of blood on the road. We then moved him to the local farm for the night at it was too late to get the horse disposal chaps out. That feeling of knowing that even when you wake up in the morning you have to organise getting your pony's body removed isn't one i enjoy. So this morning archer was taken away. I have some of his tail hair as a keepsake. Why am i going into such detail about all of this? Well i am hoping that maybe some of you will think before buying fireworks. Maybe go for the silent ones or failing that go to an organised display. Fireworks and animals do not mix well. (neither do folk with ptsd, autism and noise sensitivity) i now have a pony shaped hole in my heart. Archer was a complete dude and such an amazing character. Even though i haven't had him long i fell head over heels for him. Going to seriously miss the little chap.

Warning!! I have added photos of archer this morning. They are the last two photos. I don't normally take photos when they are taken away but i wanted to show people just how horrible it is. As horse owners we can't just wrap them in a blanket and put them in a car. Special equipment is needed and dealing with that along with losing your pony is horrible. Is all of that worth five minutes of flashes and bangs? Please think sensibly folks i am begging you.


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9 November 2021
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Thank you. We are trying our hardest to raise awareness. I have heard of so many horror stories this year of dogs having hearts attacks. Five minutes of someone’s fun has caused a lifetime of difficult memories and a gut renching loss