Following on from the kids and teens thread


Well-Known Member
24 November 2011
North and East, of England
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Adults! Who pays for your neds??!

I'm 28, have a FT job and a mortgage. I have two horses, my ride and drive pony and my youngster. Both are on DIY, I see to them every day apart from on my late shifts as we have an evening curfew at the yard.

Dad pays half the livery for one of them, the stud fee for my youngster and he and mum bought my first (and second) horses- and contributed to the third when I went totally over budget! He helps every now and again with a tonne of bedding (pellets) and bought/runs/drives my ten tonne wagon as I haven't yet saved up for my HGV licence...!

I pay all other costs- livery and a half, entries, shoes, vets, insurance, feed, hay etc etc.

Is anyone else like me??!

I will also say- superdad also comes out on the carriage when I'm short a groom, occasional mucker outerer, ponysitter if i go away and polishes the carriage til it gleams and is pony holder supremo! Mum is terrified and can occasionally be persuaded to pat one on the nose over the fence :)


Well-Known Member
5 September 2008
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I'm afraid I'm shockingly lazy in comparison with you then! I'm 34, full time home maker with one daughter aged 7, have two horses both on full livery and I now just go up to ride most of the time. Sounds dreadfully lazy BUT (and there's always a BUT!) up until yesterday had one on full livery, a WBxID youngster, who needs to come in at night and the other was a live out DIY. Live out DIY has had a few problems recently and so I wanted a box for him. The box next door to my youngster came up but is a full livery only box. DIY boxes on my yard are like rocking horse poo, so hubby VERY kindly agreed to let me take the box. So I'm now a lazy wotsit with two on full livery and no job.

Don't ask me how, but somehow I never seem to have a any spare time to do anything anyway!

The Fuzzy Furry

Living in 🦄 🦄 land
24 November 2010
Ambling amiably around........
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I do! :)

OH does not pay a bean, not his toy at all.

I go there twice a day (sometimes 3 times - in my lunch hour), do all chores, pay for bedding/shoeing/feed/vet etc etc, but its MY yard so no livery bills to pay.
I no longer have a box of my own so keep back the tax/insurance/test & some fuel money which provides enough for a number of hired box trips out.
Ride 4 times a week unless its really too dangerous to go out like in very icy conditions.
However - I do have to keep money back for the lovely lady who pops over to care for them on the occasions I am away or over my 1 week holiday each year.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2008
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I pay for all 3 of mine although I don't pay quite as much 'house keeping' to my mum (I still live at home) as my sister does as my mum contributes to her ponys (who I seem to have adopted as mine) insurance. My sister isn't at all horsey and has a better job then me :p

I'm 24, at college with a part time job. It's a major struggle at times but it's my hobby so it's my job to fund them.


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25 August 2011
up near Glasgow
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All me, both the work and the finances. I'm 30 with a ft job and a mortgage, he's on DIY but I split chores with some other liveries and farmer does morning feeds so only have to visit once a day in the evening after work. We don't go out and compete or anything, can't afford it, so he's just for fun :)


Well-Known Member
11 October 2008
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I pay all my girls livery, and half her feed, mum pays the insurance and trimming.

BUT she is half mums and half mine, and we share the work and riding too :)


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12 October 2009
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I pay for mine on complete DIY (stable, bedding, feed, shoes, worming, tack, rugs etc etc). My parents only paid whilst I was up at university. However they are very wealthy whereas I am not at all and my Mother hasnt realised that she is still paying for my insurance premiums from her account and hasnt transferred it to mine (at £135 a month!). What she doesnt know wont hurt her ;) hehe


Well-Known Member
11 December 2008
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I have a full time job, both mine on DIY and I pay for everything and do everything. ( so pay my own shoes,insurance, feed,bedding, livery and go twice a day every day. Three if it's a farrier day!) I don't live at home so pay half the rent/council tax etc with OH as well. I pay for my own car.

I bought Nitty myself with my own money. BH I had to borrow from my dad as I had to buy him at short notice (long story) but I'll be paying him back in the new year.

I would like to buy a trailer and 4x4 but I can't afford it at the moment (understandably I think) so I am trying to save :)


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16 July 2011
South Wales
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I'm 23 have bought and paid for Billy out of my own money and he's on full livery Mon - Fri because the yard is just too far away for DIY, own my own car, 4x4 and new trailer. I have a mortgage but the household bills are shared between me and my OH. I wouldn't expect any one to help as he's my boy and I love the fact that he's all mine through lots and lots of hardwork - although if I had the offer of help I definitely wouldn't turn it down :D


Well-Known Member
18 January 2008
Never Never Land
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I live at home - I have 1 horse, and my dad has his driving pony. We have our own land behind our house, so parents did pay for purchase of land (I was about 4 at the time when they brought it so couldn't really contribute :D)

I pay for shoes, jabs, teeth, worming and back checks for both my horse and dads pony. I also paid in the last couple of years for new mats to go down in all the stables. We usually cut hay in the summer, and dad and I split costs for that, as well as sharing the work of getting it in lol. Mum gets the hard feed when she gets the other animals feed - but it's not much tbh. At this time of year a bag of nuts lasts 2/3 weeks and a bag of Alfa a lasts forever lol

I also do all the mucking out, feeding, grooming, rugging etc for both neds. Dad doesn't do a lot in that respect lol

We work together for the horses essentially - sometimes I will nag dad into handing money over for new rugs /tack /shoes etc but most if the time I pay for his pony. It's just easier and tbh he's done a lot of paying for stuff while I was growing up :)


Well-Known Member
25 January 2008
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Me. My parents always said I couldn't have a horse until I could afford to buy and keep one. Hence I didn't get one until my 30s.


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25 May 2010
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I'm 26 live at home but bought and pay for everything horse wise. She is out at full grass livery as I work full time in shifts. I pay almost market rent to my mum and have a car. I was never given money for horses, I have always worked for rides up until I could afford indie myself.


Well-Known Member
4 November 2010
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I pay for mine, but my mother will occasionally contribute by paying for some feed / forage / similar if she's there when I'm getting it and she's feeling generous. She also bought my first horse (I was 12!) who I still have. I bought the subsequent two (though iirc she loaned me a bit for Fergs). Mother dearest, did however, mostly buy my trailer for me and she often comes out and grooms for me (or tries to :eek:) which is lovely of her. In summer she hacks J out sometimes and she has competed once or twice in w/t dressage and things :)


Well-Known Member
1 August 2010
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I do :) I pay all her costs on top of my rent, bills travel etc. I also run a car. I'm 24 and live on London, horse is on grass livery in surrey. Parents paid up until I graduated and still pay her insurance. They also still pay my car insurance and road tax but as soon as I


Well-Known Member
29 January 2010
North West
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I pay for everything - it is my hobby and I'm an adult so I wouldn't want anyone else to contribute. If I couldn't afford it on my own I wouldn't have one - which is why I've waited until I'm 31 to buy. I've always been very independent and wanted to do/pay for things on my own. If my OH was horsey and we both rode then I'm sure we would share costs though.


Well-Known Member
3 November 2008
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All me... pay for everything! Dad pays for my bedding and feed should I get short, but 90%of the time it's all me. I'm 22, work in a pre-school 4 days a week, all school holidays off, min. wage. It's a real struggle but I wouldn't have it any other way.


Well-Known Member
16 July 2010
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I pay for everything for mine. Keep him at home so no livery fees, but no help either. Have a husband and house and we split house bills 50/ 50. Its my hobby so wouldn't dream of asking Husband to contribute- he has his own hobbies to fund. Spent the last 3 years saving up for a trailer then 4 x 4 to tow it with, and feel very proud that I saved up for them. We both work full time (teachers) so feel that we work hard to fund our hobbies.


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28 October 2008
some place nice
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We have 12, all on DIY. I work pt, my OH does 4 long days, and my dad will help with some of the mucking out, when OH is working. I think we are very lucky to have what we have.


Well-Known Member
1 December 2011
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Well this post has made me have a change of heart.
As you all probably know, I'm only 15 and I'm desperate to 'own/loan/share a horse' but reading through your replies of people having horses and buying their first horses over 20 it made me realise that there really is no hurry!!

And now i've got into this college to do with horse management I think i'll get my 'horsey fix' So now I can save up and THEN get the bigger enjoyment of buying my own horse.

Thanks guys :)


Well-Known Member
22 November 2005
I bought half of woody (he was only £2750 anyway!), Ruby was given to me and I bought the youngsters for a tenner each :D
I run all 4 horses myself, I pay livery for the one I'm trying to sell at £160 pcm and all hay/straw/feed etc is on top of that. The other 3 are kept in a friends field for free as I take care of all other 12 horses in that field (checking, feeding, haying etc).
I don't live at home but with a friend for £300 pcm all bills inc. I run a car, 7.5t horsebox as well as a big phone bill each month.
I work 7 days a week and don't really struggle for money.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2010
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im 23, final year of uni..... I have a part time (20odd hours) a week....

I pay for my horse, car, outgoings, dog etc...

Cant wait to get a full time job and eventually have the ability to stick the horse on full livery now and again :D

ets - i bought my horse myself :)



Well-Known Member
4 January 2009
East Kent
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My wealthy parents paid for everything when I was younger, then I had a long break out of horses, got back in 6 years ago.
My dad loaned me the money to buy Blaze. Jasmine's mum was a rescue and cost very little. Jas was a BOGOF! :D
Everything else I pay for myself, by working full time nights (4 x 12 hr shifts) although my mum (horsey) bought both girls' saddles. I do struggle a bit, but things should get easier next year. xx


Well-Known Member
24 November 2011
North and East, of England
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That's really interesting- I know I'm really really lucky (my house is my own so all bills and running costs are mine and that runs to about £700/m, and my wage isn't phenomenal, hence happily accepting the help! If I didnt have mum and dads support, I'd only have one, not two, and go back to and XC instead of carriage driving!

I do feel like a spoilt brat at times... But I am an only child! :D


Well-Known Member
4 September 2011
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Me & my OH share the costs. We have 3 horses and pay for everything on our own.

My parents would tell me to get stuffed if I asked for any help with them, I don't blame them, they are my hobby after all! ;)