Food ideas for mini daschund


Well-Known Member
24 March 2007
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Sorry, hope this is not too long.... We have a 7 month old mini daschund puppy who has always been a fussy eater. Thought we'd cracked it when we tried her on raw food (Southcliff), but over the last month she has started to refuse anything other than the fishy ones or chicken. And now this week we are struggling to get her to eat any at all. She is eating treats etc.
It's just becoming such a faff to store, defrost and then throw it away when she doesn't eat it.

So I was just hoping that someone might have suggestions on what dog food she might be tempted by. Open to trying anything.

We do have an elderly staffy who is pretty good at eating what she is given but even she has gone off the raw food. So would be handy if we could find something they both could have, but it's not essential.

Thanks in advance x


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Ruling out a health or dental problem and providing the food is not too texturally hard for her to eat, I'd just wait her out. I've yet to see a healthy dog starve itself and you say she is eating treats.
I don't personally give treats, I train with normal food from my hand and it comes out of their daily allowance.

Do all the usual things like let her eat alone, without you or the other dog around, if it's not gone after ten minutes, lift it and offer it again later.

Make sure it's not a bad association with the bowl/floor surface/room/some other environmental factor.

Ruling all that out, then not eating is her decision and again, barring health problems, you're storing up a lot of problems for later if you're letting her dictate her diet at 7 months old.
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Well-Known Member
24 March 2007
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Thank you @CorvusCorax that has given us something to think about.
Have just had a conversation with my sister re too many treats etc. We are going to stick with the raw and try removing all treats and extra titbits and see how it goes.
If still no luck then we'll pop her up to the vets for a check up x


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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Thank you @CorvusCorax that has given us something to think about.
Have just had a conversation with my sister re too many treats etc. We are going to stick with the raw and try removing all treats and extra titbits and see how it goes.
If still no luck then we'll pop her up to the vets for a check up x

Some of my friends who feed raw have an air dryer/dehydrator to make their own training treats, or there are some you can buy which are compatible with raw, just remove it from the daily allowance.


Well-Known Member
24 March 2007
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That's interesting, I will look into the air dryer. I had a google this morning before posting and came across cold pressed food I think it was. We definitely still need something to give as a reward for training so something to look into.


'Do you come here often?'
15 January 2008
End of the pier
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I feed Cavom cold pressed (dry) and before that, Markus Muhle but the latter has a Brexit-related delivery issue at the moment, it's great food but I'd worry might be a bit hard for a wee dachsie/would need soaked.
Superdog is another cold pressed brand.


Well-Known Member
6 December 2004
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As per CorvusCorax. Stop pandering to her if health issues have been ruled out. Food down, other dog away and move away from her yourself. If she isn't eating after 10mins, lift the food and offer again at next meal. No snacks, treats etc inbetween (or use a portion of her kibble).