For anyone who has ever suffered with confidence.


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8 May 2009
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In the not too distant past I was to scared to walk in the school found every excuse in the book not to ride... sound familiar to anyone. So I did a lot of groundwork built a relationship had a course of NLP; a lot ! Of support from people at the yard I'm on; got lessons with an amazing instructor and put on some big brave pants and today ...... We cantered a tiny bit on both reins then had a cool off walk round the block round fields and back along the road.
I still cannot believe we did it I feel on top of the world love my boy so much he is truly my horse of a lifetime. But most of all my message to anyone suffering from lack of confidence please dont give up this has taken me quite a while but it was so worth it....


14 December 2012
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In the not too distant past I was to scared to walk in the school found every excuse in the book not to ride... sound familiar to anyone. So I did a lot of groundwork built a relationship had a course of NLP; a lot ! Of support from people at the yard I'm on; got lessons with an amazing instructor and put on some big brave pants and today ...... We cantered a tiny bit on both reins then had a cool off walk round the block round fields and back along the road.
I still cannot believe we did it I feel on top of the world love my boy so much he is truly my horse of a lifetime. But most of all my message to anyone suffering from lack of confidence please dont give up this has taken me quite a while but it was so worth it....
It has taken me years to get the confidence up with my horse. But after finally finding an instructor who gave me the confidence to trust both myself and my horse. I did my first solo fun ride today. Still on cloud nine


Well-Known Member
2 May 2011
Made it to Wales
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Very, very well done. I too have suffered a confidence issue and recently got back on for the first time in months. Had hoped to go to the Your Horse Total Confidence event at Ardingley in April but unfortunately they have cancelled it :(. However like you I am booking some lessons with a recommended instructor and hope to get the better of my confidence crisis. Good to hear of success stories, I bet you have a smile on your face. Keep it up and enjoy.


Well-Known Member
8 May 2009
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Braindead thats fantastic: hats off to you :) Magicmillbrook its amazing I just know that feeling. Woo hoo bring on the weather :)))))
Flibble: moleskinsmum and megibo thank you; daydreamer ive msg you...


Well-Known Member
23 July 2010
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Well done, I have had a lot of clients that have been really frightened of riding their horses to the point where they have given up. Such a great feeling seeing people enjoying their animals again.
Keep up the good work, just set yourself little goals to aim for :)


Well-Known Member
8 May 2009
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Just need my lorry back now and we're off lol.. a serious note have to tackle getting canter correct then we'll think about other goals. . Not sure I'll be able concentrate today still buzzing