For fun: how well would your horse survive in the wild??


Well-Known Member
19 May 2011
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hmm my tb cross mare would last an hour or 2 before it got too cold/she found a way to injure herself...

DITTO---and by god no rug she just could not cope haha someone ort to tell her that horses should not have duvets, HW rugs, leg wraps, thick warm bed, ad lib food, warm water as she to fussy drink cold

My vet always says he ort to come live here he'd be better looked after =D


Well-Known Member
16 February 2009
Slopping along on a loose rein somewhere in Devon
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Hairy-Bum would be fine; he can live off air anyway, and would be perfectly happy to stooge around doing sweet FA and break wind everywhere. He'd probably look for some nice kind impressionable person who'd take pity on him - he'd do his best "I've been neglected and no-body loves me" face and he'd get taken in and kissed and cossetted and adored for evermore by some adoring Animal Do-Gooder.

Little mare would be fine; she's Miss Bossy Boots who's very well able to sort out people who think they're a bit of a t!t like Mr Hairy Bum, so would be the Boss of whatever herd she found herself in, so she'd be well OK.

But hey I'd miss them!!!


Well-Known Member
14 November 2009
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As I have 8 welsh cob mares living on a mountain in Wales, no rugs no shoes, just as nature intended I know they are fine.
Curiously, those living au natural have fantastic thick coats in the winter but when their summer coats come through they are sooo much better than the pampered ones that are stabled/rugged in winter.


Well-Known Member
1 January 2011
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My young Bo is brave as a lion and a walking oesophagus - if he ever met a predator he'd most likely try to eat it himself!

^^thinks this goes for my horse as well! :p

Reckon she'd survive pretty well in the wild, is a very good doer, broke the thinner ice on the water last year before i got out, grows a coat like a bear (currently out unrugged - 3/4TBx). Probably be heard leader as she's a cow & is always the first to get to food. Would only get pregnant if the stallion was coloured or foreign though as that's all she seems to like :rolleyes: :D


Well-Known Member
28 July 2009
Wet and windy NW
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Captain wouldn't he hates cold, wet weather, does not turn out between October and May and is a poor doer that needs feeding even in summer. Plus he thinks rugs are essential no matter the weather.

Fany would be perfectly okay, she grows a thick strong coat, is very herd savvy and is not at all accident prone. *touch wood* She also
has a hell of a kick on her, never kicked a human and rarely even threatens other horses but did kick out at Captain once after he bit her bum, I just thank God it did not catch him because it was double barrels and she at 14-2 missed his nose, he is 17-3hh, by millimetres! She was surprisingly fast as well.
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Well-Known Member
4 January 2009
East Kent
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Jasmine (TB) would be fine. She is very independent, was mugging for treats at 3 hrs old -seriously- and eating grass, hay and nicking mum's feed at 4 days. She's not afraid of nuffink! And she's a well 'ard geezer bird, anyone who tries it on with her will get their arse kicked :D She doesn't feel the cold or pain (wonder if she has nerve endings??) so she would survive well.
Blaze would be very sensible - she would round up all the other 'wild' horses in the local area, then allocate jobs ie looking for grub, water, shelter, some amiable human with long nails to scratch her fat bum ;D If that failed she would march them all- in an orderly fashion, making sure that everyone was safe - to the nearest likely looking farm/equestrian centre/feed shop, then she would stand in the doorway, with her best 'look at me, I'm so well behaved and reliable, I have all these horses to feed, please help us' expression and everyone would say 'awwwwww, what a good girl' and feed her buckets of nuts and she would be a hero, the press would come and take her picture, then her mummy could find her and take her home :D


Well-Known Member
15 July 2010
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My boy is a perfect gentleman, infact, if I leave the stable door open he wouldn't leave. If he finally did make it into the wild I imagine as a stallion he would have a great time for a few hours, certainly make a lot of noise;)