Well-Known Member
Hopefully he is more sensible than my PRE x Welsh (25% B)!! I never did show mine, partly because no classes fit and partly because he’s nuts. I just did trec with him which was good for exposing him to life.He is indeed PRExWelsh (25% D) so we can go in the wpbr classes but sadly no foreign breeds classes to be had where I am! I’ll chuck him in a few riding horse classes purely for the experience - I’m not clipping his legs for it but i could tidy up with scissors & I do need to tackle the mane a bit. Although I am intending to practice scallop plaits when we get a nice day, see if we can keep the waves!
The novelty classes are usually for young children getting first show experience in my area from what I’ve seen & they don’t need this lump of excitement entering and ruining the vibes
Plaited mane & tail for riding horse? Black show jacket? Plain bridle ok?