For those of you who go straight from the yar to work...


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28 March 2011
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How do you stay clean?! I don't think that even a change of clothes would help me, as I stink! Also, how do you go on getting changed with the freezing cold weather? Thinking that if I can go to uni/work from the farm it will save me time, but don't want to go super-stinky!:rolleyes:


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3 May 2007
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I have a bit of a scrub up and get changed in yo's house when i've finished. I'd prefer to go home really but can't justify the extra fuel costs. Sometimes I go to the gym after the horses, then to work, and I always feel really dressed up which I suppose says something lol!


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28 May 2009
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Hmmmm, I have the opposite problem. If I go straight to the yard from work ,Bob the nota cob gives me some very strange looks and a lot of snorting. Frankly I think he is a snob:eek:


Well-Known Member
28 March 2011
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I think it's my hair that smells the most, maybe I need some dry shampoo and there's nowhere really to get clean, so I'm worried I'll have a big trail of straw hanging off me! My two do look oddly at me if I look/smell clean though, which says it all


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16 January 2007
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My pony is on deep litter shavings which I skip out in a morning, find shavings smell less. I wear industrial neoprene and rubber gloves for mucking out. Feed pony, skip out whilst he's eating, turn out, quick sweep and change water, have haynet made up. Then get changed in our storage area trying to time it so the stable lads aren't walking past! I do my make up before i go to the yard and always carry extra deodourant and perfume. Keep my shoes in the car boot so I can change them in the work car park. When I get to work I go to the loo to wash hands and redo hair. When it's cold I just get changed faster!


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3 August 2009
Up North
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Do hair and makeup before setting off from home. Tie hair up. Have big coat in car with rambo chaps and wellies. Put these on, hat and gloves too. Put out horse, put bed up, leave muck in bucket for later - NEVER go to muck heap in work clothes!!! I try not to touch any hay as it makes me sneeze all day if I do.
Remove chaps wellies and coat gloves hat before getting in car, drive round corner to work, wash hands and freshen up once there.

TBH winter is easier than summer, it's really difficult when it's warm to cover yourself up! Thankfully where I am now the horses are out 24/7 all summer so only need to do a quick check/rug change.

oh yes, to add, a deep bed is a must... otherwise you end up getting wee on you somewhere (this happened to me once and a colleague smelled it - I now make sure horse has plenty of nedsbed to soak up the piddle!)


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5 June 2007
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Mine live out all year round now, which is much easier, as I just throw feeds in, have a quick check and go in the mornings.

When they were stabled, I used to take work clothes in a bag and wear yard clothes, I only ever fed and turned out in the morning (turnouts left on in stable) and then I did everything after work, when I knew I was going home and could shower! I used to get changed in the tack room before work.


Well-Known Member
25 June 2007
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Don't go straight to work from yard but do the reverse & have a great pair of long sleeved overalls, those thin fine touch gloves, hat & wellies....seems to do the trick! I leave them at yard.


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28 February 2008
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I gave up a long time ago, now I just to work with half the stable in my hair and clothes n mud splattered up my trousers or tights! *grins*


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25 November 2002
Nr Peterborough
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I gave up a long time ago, now I just to work with half the stable in my hair and clothes n mud splattered up my trousers or tights! *grins*

You and me both & if I get comments I ask just how much do you think eau de cheval costs? and proceed to tell them how much it is per month for 2 horses.. they soon shut up or get bored ;)


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4 August 2010
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I go to the yard on my way to work every morning, in yard clothes, do whatever needs to be done, be it turn out & muck out, feed in field, poo pick whatever, then drive to work in yard clothes and get changed at work into work clothes.

I then get changed again at work to go back to yard to sort boys out, then home again.

Nobody at work has yet to tell me i stink ;) even when ive poo picked the field in the mornings in summer or done a full muck out of two beds in winter. I do sometimes have hay in my hair etc., but im not really that fussed :D


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28 July 2011
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I go to the yard on my way to work (its great as the yard is between were I live and work). I wear my normal yard clothes, and wear a hat to stop my hair from smelling and gloves to keep my hands clean!!!

I then get changed into my work clothes in the car (much warmer than in the tack room!!!).

Then at night I just get changed when I get to the yard after work and put my stinky yard clothes back on, lol.


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13 June 2008
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I do this most mornings, get ready for work first thing at home, only put half my face on, when i get to the yard its wellies, rambo chaps, big yard coat, gloves & hat go on, chuck nags out into field, and do muck out - I dont have a massive bed, have shavings on rubber matting - our muck heap is in a barn and isnt too smelly. just always have to remember to have gloves on when i fill haylage nets - otherwise my hands do tend to stink. I shed all my 'yard' clothes, put the rest of my face on in the car, and head into work - 1st stop at work is the loos to wash my hands!

I have been known to do all my jobs in a work dress and wellies before - although it was frozen so not at all muddy!


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11 December 2008
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I work in a lab so just come in with wind swept hair, no makeup and my mud spattered jeans on. There are some perks to being an underpaid scientist :D


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29 June 2010
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I go straight to 6th form after yard...I do my makeup & hair at home, put on school clothes, put on waterproof trouser, wellies, gloves, hat & yard coat over the top...then at yard do all the usual stuff, muck out, turnout etc, then strip off the yard layer, and go into school...i don't think i smell (think friends would've told me) the worst is when it's heavy wind and rain and you turn up looking like a windswept drowned rat. I do get hay in my hair but i pick it out before i get out of the car ;)


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12 March 2010
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I always go straight to work after yard, and when I had them at livery where they had to be stabled (which I did until 18 months ago) I would get mostly ready for work - as in wash, make up, hair etc. Then put on work top, tights or socks and take shirt or trousers in car. Then put on yard jumper, jods/trackie bottoms, coat etc, and most of all you need a hat to cover hair.

I always kept socks, wellies, big coat and pair of bottoms at yard so I was well covered. Then when I was done with the horses, stand on a clean towel on feed room floor (kept in a carrier bag for the occasion....) and put rest of works clothes/shoes etc on. Wash hands under hose with handwash kept at yard, spray of perfume in the car and off I go!! Never had a problem with smelling. (that I know of.....)


Well-Known Member
5 November 2010
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Invest in a boiler suit -honestly they are great get dressed do make up etc before leave pop on giant boiler suit over work clothes and off again before you leave, saves the whole getting naked in the tack room issue and a lot of time / hassle!


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9 October 2009
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It is with out doubt my hair I struggle with the most!! I have lots of thick wild wavy long hair with a fringe and I only have to think wind and rain and it boings about all excited, that and my weepy eye in the wind/cold/sunshine - even if I put make up on after yard it ends up down my face.

I tend to just TO in mornings and do jobs at night but they have been in a lot recently so I swapped to shavings which helps a lot and I can get away with just a skip out in the morning of the obvious mounds. I believe that a girl can never have too many pairs of Wellies !!

I've got a long coat which protects me from most stinks/mud.


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6 July 2011
South West
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Pretty much the same as other people do. Have work clothes on and put fleece / coat and jeans/ jogging bottoms on over top. Do make up etc. Always wear rubber gloves and a hat to completely cover hair (saves on becoming wet / windswept and does keep the smell off).

When done, take off extra layers and leave at yard or keep in car. I also keep a complete outfit at work + shoes /make up and hair products and wet wipes (these are a godsend). Can then change if needed (like when I chucked a bucket of water down myself :rolleyes: and redo makeup as wind makes my eyes water something cronic.


Well-Known Member
10 April 2011
Over the hill and far away
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Shower before leaving the house, get dressed in work trousers and horsey t-shirt and tie wet hair up and put on warm woolly hat + overalls and wear wellies/yard boots and gloves. Do horses. Change and dry hair at yard (make up? don't wear it!), drive to work. That's what I did last winter when I initially had 2 and then 3 in.


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I'd recommend the boiler suit as well, and a good hat - I find a fleece one better than a wooly one as the smell seems to seep through the small holes in a wooly one but a fleece one seems to keep the smell out more. I do everything except make up, put my hair in a pony tail and then put the boiler suit and hat over my work clothes. I do my makeup when I get to work. I'm lucky in that my hair is very straight and boring so doesn't look any different after having a hat on!

Avoid touching any rugs too if you can - I leave their turnouts on in their stables as I find getting up close and personal with the rugs is the main culprit for smelling. If your hands do smell even after a good wash, some lemon juice in your drawer at work is a good idea - a quick squirt of that usually takes the smell away.


Well-Known Member
15 December 2010
In the wettest county in the UK
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I do my hair & half my makeup at home, put on boiler suit over my work clothes, wellie boots on & drive to yard.

Horse is on deep litter so only have to skip out & fill up haybar. Take off boiler suit & slip into work shoes. YO says "You come to the yard looking like a tramp but go out looking like Lady Di"!! lol

Once in the car apply lippy, perfume & brush hair. Done! :)


Well-Known Member
8 August 2011
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Impulse body spray :D Either my horse isn't smelly or I've just got used to it. :rolleyes:

The office carpet is nice and clean... Apart from the muddy footprints under my desk! :eek: