For those who have backed their youngsters themselves...

Miss L Toe

Well-Known Member
6 July 2009
On the dark side, Scotland
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Its what I always wanted to do. I have 2 youngsters now one will be backed this summer the other next summer.You have to go with your heart. I have never sent any of my horses away for backing.
I have fifty years experience but that is working against me!, I backed five fairly recently, and they were all pretty easy types, I did lots of long reining and other ground work including walking in hand to get them used to light traffic.
when backing came along, I fed Steady up at full dose, and made sure they were quiet, popped on with a roller and hession sack, as I worry that the sudden weight and feel of a saddle might be too much.
I pay someone to come and school and so on, as there are plenty of times when two experienced people are needed. I also sent one away for three weeks to learn transitions and to get a few more people on his back.


Well-Known Member
20 November 2011
near York
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Be cautious! Go and watch pros backing youngsters , and ask to help. Never think backing your own is easy. As the wife of someone who rebacks horses and deals with problem horses ,I can say that many of those problems stem from poorly backed horses. That poor backing can be the result of being backed too quickly and roughly , or it can be from people thinking its a an easy job , but havemt the knowledge to do it .
Its not a job for anyone who is
a not experienced in dealing with the speed and power of a young horse when things go wrong
b afraid of falling off or getting hurt
c thinking its nice 'fluffy bunny' thing to do with your horse,and that the horse will love you whatever mistakes you make. They appreciate fair but firm handling
d have the knowledge to bring the young horse on for the next year

I wouls say that that genuine horsemen/women will allow you to watch and be part of the backing process, so when you do send your youngster away [ because really if you re asking if you should do it theres doubts in your mind - and doubts are no good with a young horse!] be there every day ,ask questions , and assume it will take at least a month for the basics. Its not cheap - but why should it be? An experienced horseman will not want to work cheaply- it can be a dangerpous job. Tthe horse shouldnt lose confidence or change character - he should enjoy his learning and 'grow up' during the process.


Well-Known Member
7 September 2010
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I started my first youngster myself and it went really well, she turned out to be a cracking pony!
However a few years on with my second youngster I am a bit older and perhaps more sensible too! lol!
So I sent this one away to be started last summer and he is going back this summer to continue his training after the winter break.
This was the best decision I could have made as he is an absolute star and I sent him to David Stuart in Shropshire who I trust impeccably and he has done a fantastic job with him! The best £1,000 I have ever spent! :)


Well-Known Member
27 September 2011
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I wouldnt personally choose to send mine away. Id rather do it myself, plus I do believe the more work you've done on the ground over the years the better they will be to back for the first time..

Totally agree with this, i bought my AA x WB as a yearling and she was fiesty and opinionated - everyone said she's be a nightmare to back but she was a complete angel.

I can honestly say she never put a foot wrong, backed her in a fenced off area of a field as i didn't have a school at the time, was hacking out with company within 2 weeks, then off on our own after a month of seeing various traffic with hiccups.

I'd certainly do it again - she makes me very proud - especially when i took her hunting for the first time and got told numerous times how well behaved she was & i just think to myself 'I did that' - nothing beats it :)

I've also backed a few cobs & ponies over the years, i find it very rewarding, luckily we've never had any demons as yet!