Formulating a fitness plan/riding routine


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1 February 2014
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I have a 14hh native pony competing BE90 and I am looking for some help to formulate a fitness/riding plan/routine.

During the week I have the opportunity to ride for approximately one hour after work and have unlimited time at the weekends.

My facilities include hacking (mainly roadwork with some hills), show jumps on grass, dressage arena on grass, various fields for faster work.

My pony struggles with fast work and stamina (often receives time faults) and has a short stride which can be deceiving as it feels like we are travelling fast!

Currently, during a week, I do a jumping session (~ 45min) , schooling session (~45min), interval training (2mins 15s canter, 45s walk, 2mins 15s canter, 45s walk, 30s fast canter, 45s walk, 30s fast canter, 45s walk), hack (~1hr-2hr), lunge (20mins).

Just wondering if there are certain exercises I should be doing or if I can better utilise the time I have during the week to ride (i.e. trotting hill work etc.).I am conscious of over-riding him and causing injury.

Thanks in advance, any advice appreciated :)


25 January 2014
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Sounds like you are on the right track already! All I can suggest is when you are schooling, try and do good longish bouts of canter throughout the session, as I think it is easy to think you are schooling them harder than you actually are! (I know I've been guilty of this!)
Interval training every 4 days ish should help, if you can do 4 min canter / 2 min walk / 4 c / 2 w / 4 c, then this should give a good level of fitness. (Start off 3/2/3/2/3 at first if necessary). I do this at like an energetic canter, bit more than SJ for example.
Then maybe once a week or so I go for a gallop up a hill, walk back down etc a few times.
Hope this helps a little :)


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1 February 2014
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Thanks that helps a lot :) I imagine I probably do not work him very hard whilst schooling so more canter will no doubt help. Are there any specific jumping exercises you do as a general 'workout'? I have been told to do bounces/grid work with him to help increase his gymnastic ability and stride length.

Any more ideas welcome.