Well-Known Member
Is it my imagination or did these attacks never happen before the ban? I do hope that they start a cull before a baby/child is killed.
How many incidents is this, two or so in a decade.
Trying to make out this is in some way connected to the hunting ban is for morons.
Children are at more risk from their parents than foxes.
I agree with everyone else in that to attempt to link Hunting and our urban fox population, and find any correlation, is ridiculous.
I remember a television programe from 20 years ago, about the expanding fox population in Bristol, and there were those who were actually buying chicken and chips, from take-aways, and laying them down whilst foxes sat and waited.
Foxes are opportunists and quite happy to live as scroungers, and as we now seem to throw away just about as much food as we eat, so we're supporting them. Whether that's a bad thing, or not, only time will tell.
Despite the fact that urban foxes seem to be quite at ease living alongside and supported by man, I'm still a little surprised to hear that a fox entered a domestic residence, presumably wandered about until it found a baby, and then attacked it. It's a claim which surprises me.
Ok, so there is no link between Urban foxes and the ban. But surely something needs to be done to control the population of the Urban Fox before a more serious attack occurs. I understand that this will be a difficult one.
Don't be rediculous dogs are more of a menace. This is just newspaper knobheads sensationalizm.
Maybe but if a dog attacks its put down. Something needs to be done to control these animals.
Not always.
Don't you think this is a bit of an over reaction, assuming its true?
Why is it an over reaction? Fox numbers in the cities are not being controlled, people are feeding them, How do you see the problem going away?? Maybe people are going to the press more but there is a problem which needs to be dealt with.
Waste of time and money, foxes are keeping the rats down. I don't think foxes in the cities are a problem, far more urgent things to get wound up about.
Try telling that to the parents of the poor baby
Agreed why idiots are feeding these animals I have no idea. If they are living on rats then they are less likely to if they are being fed by humans and encouraged into human spaces.