Alec Swan
Well-Known Member
Alec, whatever happens to the cubs now, I think we can be certain that they won't be tossed to hounds. I hope that, once old enough, they will released into the wild at a suitable locality, to take their chances.
Yep, apparently no offence has been committed, so after due questioning to establish this, the person arrested was allowed to walk. However, “police need further information as to how they got in the barn, why they were there, and who put them there.”
So, plenty of unanswered questions.
Para 1: The practice of the rspca, so we're advised, releasing semi-domesticated foxes in to the wild, with no chance of any sort of life. It isn't 'freedom' as they've not the faintest idea how to care for themselves following a diet of Chum!
Para 2: 'How they got in to the barn, why they were there and who put them there', are irrelevancies if there has been no criminal offence.
para 3: What questions would you like answered?