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My mare recently went into hospital due to abnormal behaviour (falling over, rearing, broncing, bunny-hop canter). Please note the years before i have her she had always been a bit hot headed but had 4 different vets tell me she wasnt lame and it was down to behaviour. Finally took the plunge and my gut instinct to have her taken to NEH, which she had a full body bone scan. Discovered she had previously fractured her pelvis (this was when she was a youngster before I brought her the vet has advised due to the process of remodelling), this has sadly caused moderate arthritis in her neck, back and SI with remodelling occurring in her hock now as well. After lengthy discussions with my vet we never thought she would get back to ridden work but my aim was for her to live a few years retired with me at home in a comfortable state. She was medicated in all areas and been on strong pain medication upon coming home, i tried a rehab program which she was doing brilliant it with on medication, sadly since coming off this she cant tolerate even being turned out. She will spend the day walking the edge of the field until you bring her in, and she is very dangerous in hand to even handle in or out of stable. She would fall over in the field and not eat a thing (my mare is a foody so to be off food is very odd), we even had a case of acute colic at home one night. My vet has advised she go on a small dose of sedation daily so she can at least have turn out without the pain and distress of movement whilst i make a decision.
My gut is it is time to sadly say goodbye but she is only 9yrs old and i feel extremely guilty for even considering this. However im worried if i do not she is going to harm herself or myself, I can not afford to keep her on 18x tables twice a day which totals £250 per month, my vet has even said the injections should have lasted longer than a month. They believe when she first came back and feeling good has actually disrupted the fracture and now the nerve is probably impacting on the fractured bone. I can either turn her away and see if she is happier or have her pts. Please no nasty comments as anyone who knows me knows this horse is my life and she has had the most easiest stress free little life with me and i only want what is best for HER not me.
Thank you.
My mare recently went into hospital due to abnormal behaviour (falling over, rearing, broncing, bunny-hop canter). Please note the years before i have her she had always been a bit hot headed but had 4 different vets tell me she wasnt lame and it was down to behaviour. Finally took the plunge and my gut instinct to have her taken to NEH, which she had a full body bone scan. Discovered she had previously fractured her pelvis (this was when she was a youngster before I brought her the vet has advised due to the process of remodelling), this has sadly caused moderate arthritis in her neck, back and SI with remodelling occurring in her hock now as well. After lengthy discussions with my vet we never thought she would get back to ridden work but my aim was for her to live a few years retired with me at home in a comfortable state. She was medicated in all areas and been on strong pain medication upon coming home, i tried a rehab program which she was doing brilliant it with on medication, sadly since coming off this she cant tolerate even being turned out. She will spend the day walking the edge of the field until you bring her in, and she is very dangerous in hand to even handle in or out of stable. She would fall over in the field and not eat a thing (my mare is a foody so to be off food is very odd), we even had a case of acute colic at home one night. My vet has advised she go on a small dose of sedation daily so she can at least have turn out without the pain and distress of movement whilst i make a decision.
My gut is it is time to sadly say goodbye but she is only 9yrs old and i feel extremely guilty for even considering this. However im worried if i do not she is going to harm herself or myself, I can not afford to keep her on 18x tables twice a day which totals £250 per month, my vet has even said the injections should have lasted longer than a month. They believe when she first came back and feeling good has actually disrupted the fracture and now the nerve is probably impacting on the fractured bone. I can either turn her away and see if she is happier or have her pts. Please no nasty comments as anyone who knows me knows this horse is my life and she has had the most easiest stress free little life with me and i only want what is best for HER not me.
Thank you.