Freak head injury by my horse, ouch!


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
I thought I'd share this with you all, not looking for sympathy and I don't suppose it'll make much difference to how much I wear my hat... Well, maybe it will a bit!

Last Sunday I took Tinner to a local show, he has history when it comes to travelling but this was only a mile or so away so we led there and rode home. After a successful show we made our way home, the Bridleway was (as usual) very overgrown with a narrow one person width path through head high nettles and bracken, a tree was down and we had to dismount to get under it. I was leading my generally polite and well behaved horse from in front when he smashed his head down onto the very top of my hat. I lost all vision momentarily, I think through sheer determination didn't pass out and continued to walk nearly a mile home.

I have never been hit so hard. I felt like I was in one of those cartoon moments when Jerry drops a skip on Tom's head, only no one was laughing.

The headache started immediately, vision was a bit blurry for a couple of hours, and once my husband came home we went to A & E, a good check up and I was told I'd feel rough for a couple of days.

Today is day 11 and I still feel pants! I've been to the Dr today, she was great, checked me over again and said be prepared for a few weeks of roughness, and to take it easy (she said lots more than just that!).

How lucky am I! A hit that hard, well I could have died, I could have a fractured skull, who knows, it was so hot that day I could have quite easily taken my hat off when leading. My horse has never hit my head before - in seven years he's only trodden on my foot once, it was a freak accident for sure.

My hat has gone back to Charles Owen to go into their research dept as this was obviously a slightly odd head injury.


Well-Known Member
3 August 2009
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That's such an unusual thing to happen, thank god you had your hat on. I nearly always take mine off when leading mine, especially when its hot, it just shows how important they are for all times around our horses. Hope you are feeling back to normal soon.


Well-Known Member
11 May 2015
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Ouch, hope you feel better soon. Concussion is a horrible thing to get, and can take its time in going away. Any concussion I've had has thankfully only lasted about 24 hours, if that at times. Take it easy and relax. Will be interesting to see how badly your horse damaged the hat really by just doing that.


Well-Known Member
9 October 2014
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Blimmin heck ouch and more ouch ! Hope you feel better soon and thanks for bringing it to our attention the importance or wearing a hat whenever we are around horses !


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1 December 2006
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I had the mirror image of this really and unless I had been wearing my hat under my chin... My horse had her head in her feed bucket and I leaned over her to push her forelock forward from behind one ear. As I did so she suddenly threw her head up and scored an upper cut on my lower jaw. To say I saw stars is an understatement and I staggered around in blackness for a second or two but then it cleared and I was fine. The following week I went to the dentist and she said, where has you wisdom tooth gone? I said it hasn't gone anywhere and she said, yes it has, half of it is missing. I stuck my tongue in and yep, it was only half there. Luckily she was able to build up a filling to replace it. My horse must have shattered it when she hit me and it went straight down my gullet. How I didn't notice anything is a mystery. Every cloud has a silver lining though, as for more than a year I had been suffering with a cricked neck - I just woke up with it one morning and despite physio sessions, I remained quite limited as to how much I could turn my head to look behind me. But the whack smacked my head up and backwards between my shoulder blades - and the crick was gone!!


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19 August 2011
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FP - I had something similar to this when a group of us were hacking down a narrow path through woods. A branch was flicked back by the horse in front into my boys face. He threw his head up at the same time as I was ducking to avoid the branch. He walloped me on the front of my head with his neck. I must have been gritting my teeth because the shock from the impact broke a crown right at the front. That was a financial ouch for me :D.

OP, that was an ouch indeed! Hope you're starting to feel better today :)


Well-Known Member
11 April 2011
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Good to share these things as it is a good/stark reminder that accidents happen and it does not pay to be as unconcerned as we can be.

Glad you are on the mend. You might not want sympathy but you are getting it in spade loads, thank the lord you kept your hat on. I got a tiny knock the other night and that hurt!!!!


Well-Known Member
10 November 2011
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Rachk89 Charles Owen are going to let me have a copy of the report. The hat didn't have any obviously outside injury but creaked a bit!

How did you get your hat checked? I recently fell from my horse and landed on my head! I certainly saw stars that day! Anyway, it was a new and expensive CO hat so I emailed them to see if I could get it checked, they advised me it wasn't a service they could offer


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
Identityincrisis the hat isn't being checked on my request, I completed the accident report on CO's website thinking that as it was an unusual accident they may want to get in touch, they did and asked if I would mind parting with the hat which of course I was happy to do. I am of course hoping that they say it's badly damaged, would be gutting to have written off a hat which was perfectly okay!


Well-Known Member
10 November 2011
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Identityincrisis the hat isn't being checked on my request, I completed the accident report on CO's website thinking that as it was an unusual accident they may want to get in touch, they did and asked if I would mind parting with the hat which of course I was happy to do. I am of course hoping that they say it's badly damaged, would be gutting to have written off a hat which was perfectly okay!

Ahhhh right! Ok, thank you!

Yes I was gutted as I'd only had the hat a few months and it was the only one I'd ever spent decent money on and the only one i've landed on my head with! But, it did it's job :) I've bought it's cheaper, less refined sister as replacement though :(


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8 June 2010
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Like fat piggy I had a pony throw its head up while he was eating from the ground and hit me on the forehead so hard i thought i was going to pass out, everything went black for a minute or two. I don't think I had concussion but I have made sure I'm never in a position for it to happen again and I warn novices not to lean over the horse's head whilst it's eating.
Its good to wear a hat when on the ground as well as when riding.


Well-Known Member
10 May 2007
Ahhhh right! Ok, thank you!

Yes I was gutted as I'd only had the hat a few months and it was the only one I'd ever spent decent money on and the only one i've landed on my head with! But, it did it's job :) I've bought it's cheaper, less refined sister as replacement though :(

I've done the same, I had a J3, now I have a CO kids skull with an orange and yellow cartoon on the inside!