Freaky - horse reading from animal communicator - Long One..


Well-Known Member
13 July 2005
Harrietsham, Kent
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Hi, well this is just I'm having soo much problem finding out what is wrong with my girly I decided to send her picture to an animal communicator - nothing to lose but she may well find somthing!! Now i know alot of people don't believe in this, but when you read this, it may just change your mind...

I sent an email saying "Hello, I have attached a picture of my young mare I would like you to look at. Can you tell me if she has any problems she wants me to know about, Many thanks, Becky"

Her reply (and I've added my comments)
Hello Becky,
At last here's a glimpse at life through Arizona's eyes,

"I'm not one to complain, but I've had a bit of a tough time of late. First I hurt my shoulder (right one), the gate wasn't wide enough for me. Then there was a funny change in the field (this looks like someone is in with a digger, shifting soil and making changes to the terrain). We had to move out for that and I had a fall out with the big horse too. I was thinking of having a child, but there isn't a suitable partner here and I'm reluctant to go away just now. I don't know what will become of me now. I can't jump and I don't like going out by myself, will they just let me stay and be here if I can't be useful?"

<span style="color:red">She is right in saying about the field - in our old yard the new owners started digging up the gateways, then just left them so we changed fields. At the moment she is not in work due to a problem and we are deciding whether to keep her or not.</span>

Well it seems like Ari is confused and doesn't know where her future lies. She also doesn't have the feeling that she belongs to anyone yet. As a youngster, she doesn't seem to have mixed much with people and when she did, she was one of many horses and seems to have moved around - if not to many yards, to many locations within the yards she was at. Possibly this is an indication that when horses came in from the field, they didn't have their own stable to go into. Her herd status has been very low and she relies on friends to raise it, but doesn't always seem to have been with a pair bond. At present, she has shown me a vague picture of a small chestnut mare, with whom she would be friends, but she says, "I can't always see where she is." Her behaviour is like an ex racehorse. She can't relate to people as they are just part of the 'business' and not her 'life' and she hasn't had a secure field life in which to learn to be one of the herd.

<span style="color:red">I got Ari from the breeder as a 3/4yr old but hadn't had much handling. When they were handled it was all as a big group to any stable around. There is a little palomino mare in the field next door and they always neigh to each other, but she is being sold this week. It could also be a chestnut pony in another field next door. </span>

When I ask her what she would like life to be like. She shows me you, spending time with her walking around with her loose alongside you. There is no one else and no other horse around. Work, for her, is groundwork and loose schooling. When I ask her what being lead is like, she hates it. There is a scared look and the lead rope is tight. Obviously she associates tension and anxiety with being lead. She has not learned that leading should be on a loose lead, if the lead is loose, she thinks that it is a mistake, not how it should be.

<span style="color:red">Ari has always been a pain to lead etc and pulls against the lead rope if we ever asked her to do anything. She is now getting much better but we think it was probably due to lack handling as a youngster.</span>

When I try to sense what her body feels like, her shoulders are quite relaxed, but her forelegs feel odd, as if they are held deliberately away from her side when she walks, but when she trots they come back to their 'normal' position, but the trot feels stiff. Her head feels as if it is held up deliberately, it is the sort of feeling that comes from a horse that has has a standing martingale on frequently. When she tries to turn on a circle, her neck and shoulders are extremely stiff on both sides. She can only comfortably manage big circles and seems to have a preference for always moving in a straight line. Her back is hollow and her pelvis very stiff too. She seems unable to get her hocks to come forwards and cannot disengage her hindquarters.

<span style="color:red">Now this is the freakiest bit as this is what we are having trouble trying to find out. She is correct in saying her walk is bad but the problems seems to go in trot. I had been riding her in a standing martingale due to her chucking her head around. The hock/hindquarters are what we investigating now but as she says I think it could be in the Pelvis area. Ari does prefer moving straight and on 20m circles etc she disunights and breaks from canter...</span>

Ari desperately wants groundwork that involves moving loosely around so that she learns to disengage her hindquarters. She feels this is the key to unlocking the rest of her skeletal problems. The other thing that will also help is massage, like equine body works, but she needs her own form of Neuro Linguistic Programming as well, so TTeam activities are tailor made for her.

Well I am waiting to hear some more from her today as I've asked some other questions but at the moment it all seems soo correct. I hoping she can tell me abit more about her body problems...:)


Well-Known Member
18 October 2005
East Yorks
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wow, that's scary! was it a recent picture you sent her? I'd love to have this done, can you pm me her address please. Also how much does it cost?
I'm not usually a believer in this sort of stuff but it seems very accurate


Well-Known Member
2 September 2005
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WOW! Can you PM me her details as well please



Well-Known Member
3 July 2006
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Blimey, that is very very spooky! Never been much of a beleiver in this sort of thing but your post has got me thinking.

Be very interesting to see what her next response is...

Could you pm me the details please? Thanks


Well-Known Member
24 May 2004
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PM me the details as well.

Out of interest - was the picture you sent a head shot showing her eyes or a whole body shot - sideways on ?

One of her in the field or one standing against a background - e.g. tied up outside stable.

Presume there is no local connection - ie. that the person doing the reading isn't local to yourself ?


Well-Known Member
13 July 2005
Harrietsham, Kent
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This is the pic I sent, and as you'll see, nothing to show where I am or yard and she looks perfectly well:


Dont think this women is local to me, infact don't even know where Ruthin is..just contacted her from website. Didnt say anything about my girl or me or where i am and she didnt ask either...:)


Well-Known Member
22 March 2006
Ceredigion, Wales
Ruthin is in Wales (north I think). That is so spooky - if anyone else has a story to tell after contacting her, can they let the rest of us know so we can further make up our minds?
Good luck with Ari and let us know if anything changes with her now you have some info to go on.


Well-Known Member
13 July 2005
Harrietsham, Kent
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Ok, got another email from reader and its really sad:

The things that you mentioned confirmed what I had thought. I didn't want to paint too gloomy a picture yesterday, but I had never before felt such depsondency in a horse. It was really as though she had no feel or zest for life and had given up: no friends, horse or human and no prospects either, so she just exists from day to day.

<span style="color:red">This is possible right, she is basically brought in and turned out, no time spent with her and all time is spent with other mare..bad mummy...</span>

She is an incredibly sensitive mare, with so much ability and potential. When I read your first e-mail this morning - my broadband dropped out again until 9.15 am - I suddenly burst into tears, but the emotion was from Ari, her voice suddenly said, "I'm frightened and confused." If you are patient with her and give her time, no pressure to do ridden things, just spend time leading her on a very loose lead, so she can enjoy being with you with nothing to do, she will come on suddenly in leaps and bounds (metaphorically of course).

She is terrified of being under pressure to achieve, "They hit the horse that doesn't do things," she says, "and I cry but we haven't got any tears." I shall do some emotional release work with her when I finish typing this. She is only the third horse that I've encountered that needed it, but it does seem to help them to forgive and forget the pain.

<span style="color:red">This is really sad to read, I personally havnt beat her but when Ive sent her away for training this is how they've dealt with her...</span>

Much of the tension has gone out of her back today. This is quite common once horses realise that the owner is making a real effort to understand them. Last night, her stomach felt knotted and she had had a really bad infestation of worms, which I assume that you treated. Today, it feels more relaxed and is rumbling. She seems to have had a poor appetite, but that is now returning. She has a craving for dandelions - hope they flower late near you :)

If possible try not to do any ridden work with her. It won't take long, but she needs her back to relax and then to get some muscle flexibility. If you can get the Linda Tellington Jones book Improve Your Horse's Wellbeing with the TTeam labyrinths in and do those exercise, this will get her mentally and physically back to normal quite quickly.

Once she feels loved and wanted, she will thrive and, as I said before, she has so much ability and intelligence, that she will want to go places and do lots of things. She is going to be a lovely mare.

<span style="color:red">Not sure about the worm bit, hope thats not true as she regualary wormed and field poo picked but think I may do a dose just in case. Looks like i'll be doing lots more ground work and taking things back to basic....shall wait and hear some more once shes done the emotional healing bit</span>


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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PM me the details as well.

Out of interest - was the picture you sent a head shot showing her eyes or a whole body shot - sideways on ?

One of her in the field or one standing against a background - e.g. tied up outside stable.

Presume there is no local connection - ie. that the person doing the reading isn't local to yourself ?

[/ QUOTE ]

me too wondering about the rowan one.....


Well-Known Member
9 September 2005
Maidstone Kent
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OK, have tried to PM as many as I can - think I need commission from her now haha..tell her Becky Bosman sent you hehe
instead i'll post her website as her contact and everything are on there -

[/ QUOTE ]

So you used her too. She's good isn't she. She's got a bit of business off me too, well you for a start. I sent her details to quite a few people asking about it. Between us she's probably made a packet.


Well-Known Member
21 November 2005
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have just emailed her a picture of the ned..hopefully she can shed some light on why he wont canter and is unbalanced and why he is head shy in the satble etc etc....cant wait for thr results....

thankyou for putting this post up...


Well-Known Member
11 January 2006
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What sort of pic was it of the horse??
was it a side on standing up pic??
i find you can tell how a horse works from a side on standing up pic, just by the ways its muscles have developed etc.