freelance grooms


Well-Known Member
18 September 2011
Peebles but grew up on the Isle of Arran
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hi there,

I am considering a relocation to Derbyshire (long term boyfriend lives there) and I am trying to establish who, and what, there is in the area.

I am currently the head girl on a full livery yard near Edinburgh, have worked on professional show jumping and eventing yards, backing and schooling and been a live in groom for a private hunting family - so lots of experience in several areas. I have my HND in Equine Studies and my SVQ3 in Horse Care, training towards my stage 4, full valid driving license and looking to get trailer and c1 license in the near future.

I am now starting to do some freelance work and so I am considering about going self employed as a freelance groom once having made the move. So my questions are; are there other grooms in the area? Is there the demand for someone to clip/ride/competition groom/yard work etc for individuals in the area? And if so, what is the expectation for prices?

Currently I charge:
£10 a visit per horse stabled (fed, rugged up, turned out, mucked out etc) £5 for additional horses.
£5 per horse grass kept.
£20 for 1 hour exercising
£20-45 depending on clip/difficulty of horse
£60 a days competition grooming
£85 if horse to be bathed/plaited/tack cleaned etc the day before/morning of.

Deals can be offered depending on work/ regular clients and obviously these are Edinburgh prices.


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
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I'm in South Derbyshire (generally, the area south of Derby city ... Not sure where you're moving to) and there's a huge demand for that type of service round here. On my yard, two girls make very good livings doing just that but you'll need to get established, of course. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
22 December 2014
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I'm in north Derbyshire. There is a demand for that kinda stuff but you need to show how good you are otherwise they won't employ you. I'd get yourself a job at a big livery in Derbyshire (eg showing/polo yard).
There is big hunts too.