Well-Known Member
With grey horses, they have to leave it on a bit longer, and when the mark has healed it will be black, I think the saddle area is best, had it there both times for mine, I don't know anyone who has had adverse reactions to it, I know there was a woman who put off having it done, because she thought it would hurt the extremely molly coddled, worshipped horse! I told her to stop being so soppy and get it done! She was always panicking about the horse being stolen, and in the end, her horse was the only one on the yard who wasn't, she relented, the horse was done and was fine, they have to have a seven day lay off from work, but only if they are sensitive, so if the horse is off work, my advice would be ring both companies, now and see who can come first, Freezemark offer a pesonalized mark service, for £10 extra. hope this helps you make a decision