Freeze marking, spoils horse cosmetically OR essential deterrent?


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4 October 2010
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With grey horses, they have to leave it on a bit longer, and when the mark has healed it will be black, I think the saddle area is best, had it there both times for mine, I don't know anyone who has had adverse reactions to it, I know there was a woman who put off having it done, because she thought it would hurt the extremely molly coddled, worshipped horse! I told her to stop being so soppy and get it done! She was always panicking about the horse being stolen, and in the end, her horse was the only one on the yard who wasn't, she relented, the horse was done and was fine, they have to have a seven day lay off from work, but only if they are sensitive, so if the horse is off work, my advice would be ring both companies, now and see who can come first, Freezemark offer a pesonalized mark service, for £10 extra. hope this helps you make a decision

Jess Hoss

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10 October 2010
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I was up at the launch of Horsewatch Scotland the other week & saw a demo of a horse being freezemarked. It doesn't seem to hurt them at all. I'm going to get my girl done. I'd been swithering about having it done, & hummed & ha'd over the mark on her. . . but if she gets nicked I feel it's my best chance of recovery.


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8 May 2005
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I don't think a bald mark can be done under saddle, but honestly you just get used to it & as The Watcher said upthread there is nothing uglier than an empty stable that should house a horse that has been stolen.


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4 October 2010
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My friend has a grey roan and he is freezemarked in the saddle area, it has had to be re-done recently because he was only 2 when it was first done, and it faded, they do, I think recommend, a bit longer off work with a grey to make sure it's healed but if you want it in the saddle area, that is where they will put it, the only limitations, that I am aware of are on coloured horses, and it has to be done on a patch that is not white, as very often the skin under the white parts of a coloured horse is pink, or light and that is what causes the healing problem ;)


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11 December 2008
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Had my mare done over 20 years ago and the freezebrand is just as clear now as it was way back when. Would always have any horse of mine freezebranded - it's such an obvious deterrent.


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2 February 2008
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If you do Freeze Mark remember to publicise it by notices it's better to not have the horse taken, than for a thief to take it then realise it has a brand and abandon your horse. So put up notices and paint the number on the rugs for winter!!


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17 November 2007
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my horse is freezemarked and she has 2 micro chips ! and i dont care what folk think 1 i just want it to be seen that my horse is marked !

karyn i have freezemark signs from the company all over my place , cctv in my stables and yard etc , can never be too carefull i would never forgive myself if i had not tried my best !


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12 May 2006
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Our yard was burgled the year before last, thank god it was only tack and rugs, not the ponies. I didn't sleep properly until I had the ponies freezemarked. It took a few minutes and a bucket of feed to take their mind off what was happening, none of them moved an inch. I don't really notice the Freezemark any more, I deliberately had mine done on their shoulder so it was really noticable.


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12 February 2005
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We are getting ours done by Farmkey today. It's around £45 depending on how many you have done and if you are a member of the BHS or insured with NFU. Will let you know how good they are tomorrow!!

I had my horse done by Farmkey and was initially told £45 too. When it came to fill out the paperwork it was actually nearer to £100 for her as I had to subscribe to have her number included on the database for 5 years. I presume I'll have to pay that again when the five years is up. I got told that without paying that she wouldn't be traceable from her number through the system.

As it happens, she's a blue and white mare with pink skin. You can barely read her mark. It was re-done and is still illegible. Should say 8ELA (Bella being my nickname) but it currently looks like E1A


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12 February 2005
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With grey horses, they have to leave it on a bit longer, and when the mark has healed it will be black, I think the saddle area is best

You cannot have a grey freezemarked under the saddle, due to the bald mark greys have to have.

It HAS to be done on the shoulder.


Well-Known Member
12 February 2005
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Can I ask a silly question?
None of my horses are freeze marked, it has crossed my mind a couple of times but to be honest, in terms of nick-ability types they would not be top of the list in terms of type.

The reason I have put it off, is that one of my horses is so ultra sensitive over his back that I am quite concerned that it may make him even more sensitive! If I was going to mark him now would be the time to do it as he is off work until after Christmas so won't need a saddle on for a while. (Sorry, for cosmetic reasons really would only consider a freeze mark under saddle, not on shoulder).

Has anyone had any adverse reaction following a FM? (The horse is grey, does that make a difference as I presume they will need to be bald rather than white)

I just replied to someone else about this, but would have thought you'd know the answer anyway. You're an oracle on all things horse! ;)

Grey horses cannot be done under the saddle due to it being a bald mark. They have to be done on the shoulder.


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19 May 2009
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Patches, you didnt HAVE to pay - I agree it was sensible, but you didnt HAVE to.

I dont understand anybodys reasons for ever NOT freezemarking.


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4 October 2010
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Of course, I just realised, the horse in question is grey now, but was chestnut when he was freezemarked, as I don't have a grey horse, or one that has turned grey, I was not aware of this oh oracle of the freezemark, please accept my humble apologies....:eek: And I now actually remember why I stopped coming on here some years ago :p

However ihatework, if your grey horse, cannot have a freezemark in the saddle area, if he/she is chipped you can have a much more discreet mark, it's an omega(horseshoe shape) and is very small, it puts the horse on Farmkey, or Freezemarks register so makes them more easily traceable if stolen. Hope this helps
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Well-Known Member
29 August 2006
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So if you have your horse freeze marked, but dont pay to be on the register, how does that help with finding the horse if its stolen? I mean, if police find the horse & ask farmkey or whoever if its stolen, if you havent paid, it wont be on there?

All mine are microchipped, one is freeze marked. All my signage suggests they are freezmarked though & we have very good CCTV. My ridden pony has a NF brand. I've never seen a NF stallion with a freeze mark in the ring, but i might look into getting him branded by his breeder.


Well-Known Member
19 May 2009
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So if you have your horse freeze marked, but dont pay to be on the register, how does that help with finding the horse if its stolen? I mean, if police find the horse & ask farmkey or whoever if its stolen, if you havent paid, it wont be on there?

All mine are microchipped, one is freeze marked. All my signage suggests they are freezmarked though & we have very good CCTV. My ridden pony has a NF brand. I've never seen a NF stallion with a freeze mark in the ring, but i might look into getting him branded by his breeder.

It helps because you have the code and therefore can put them on all websites etc with that code.

You've got much more of a chance of getting them back if you say (for example my horse):

Stolen! A piebald, 14.3 yearling, white feathers. Freezemark PUZ3.

Rather than:

Stolen! A piebald, 14.3 yearling, white feathers.

How many of them do you get?!
7 September 2010
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Absolutely essential!
I used to show at County Level and was one of the only people to have my horse freeze marked as in those days it was apparently not the done thing. Personally I think having my horse stolen is not the done thing and I'm pleased that many judges now accept freezemarks, those that don't 'Get a grip!'.:)


Well-Known Member
22 December 2010
South West
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I have one youngster who is chipped and I will get her freezemarked. She is a roan and I will have her done on her shoulder as my other 16 yo chap is. The more visible the better imo. Having lost (probably forever) my chipped terrier to an opportunist, I am in permanent fear of losing any other animal. If I could have my new dog freezemarked I undoubtedly would!!
10 March 2009
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On a slightly different note, I bought a freezemarked horse, but the company that marked had apparently gone out of business so there was no data base to refer to, I re registered with Freezemark. If anyone has a horse with paperwork with a company theyre not sure of might be worth checking!

Dancing Queen

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27 October 2010
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Mine are Microchipped and freezemarked and i have notices up to inform people. I think freezemarks are a necessity- they are visual and can be traced. Farmkey havent had a horse stolen in the last 2 years - that shows it works.


Well-Known Member
23 August 2010
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i think freezemarking is good, my mare has her's under her mane and her mane is kept neat so its not really in ur face as such, u would have to move her mane to see it, but my gelding has his under his saddle so both can be hidden but there still there for when u need them, im going to have my brothers pony freezmarked when mum has the money and were chipping them all to and every time we have the farrier out we have our post code on there front feet xx


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3 July 2006
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My Shetlands' been done twice. First time on his back. He was black/blue roan as a youngster, but the mark didn't really show up properly.

So Farmkey returned and did another mark on his shoulder.... which is bald. I have to keep the area clipped out, as otherwise you can't see it. He's like a polar bear at this time of year!!


Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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Microchips don't offer the first line of visual deterrent freeze marking would

Hoof marking needs redoing regularly and isn't very visable

actually i have hoof brand they need redoing twice a year so i dont call that regular if a livery yard buys their post code it is a deterrent


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5 April 2010
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I think of all the rugs- treats bridles fancy toys you can buy your horse the best present for him/ her is:


As for "ruining its looks" so does the first scar that crops up so I would never be that precious about it.

I couldnt agree more AND it would ruin his looks if .

A stolen man handle and gets injured by horse rustler
B. shot in the head due to being stolen
C. carved up.
D. lying on slaughters house floor
E . hanging on a hook
F. served up

All these can be prevented by a simple freezemark reduces all the above happening to you beloved horse .
I say if a judge puts me down the queue in a show class for a freezemark.

They shouldn't be judging and she can stick her comments where the sun don't shine I wont go in her class

I have post code hoof brands . If any of my liveries want them branded when their farrier comes the option is there . takes 9 months for hoof brand to grow out ( less if quick grower)

The way to do it is to use the front feet first then when its 3/4 down you do the back feet . I find it noticeable.

And immediately the police know almost to the door where the horse lives

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Well-Known Member
5 April 2010
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thanks guys i'm convinced! :)

Can anyone reccomend a good mobile freezemarker if these exist? and what would I expect to pay?

phone them discuss where you live if you want personal freezemark and cost. They will arrange an appointment when they are in your area.

10 reasons why you should have a FREEZEMARK any of the below reasons if you dont then-

1. Seeing the empty stable where your horse once stood
2. hearing or finding your horse has been stolen
3 not knowing if your horse is dead or alive when missing
4 sleepless nights wondering if you ever get him/ her back
5 your beloved friend being in the wrong hands and missing you
6 wondering if your horse is being manhandled and in pain
7 hoping your horse has been shipped abroad
8 hoping you wont hear the sad news like LIBBY that your horse has been killed
9 dis paring trying all markets etc nobody can help as no way to identify him/her
10. knowing that he could be sold on and lost for ever
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28 July 2011
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we have all ours marked.However just had Loncs police refuse to issue a crime no for one stolen.They wont accept anything as proof of ownership!!!!It proves I once owned him,not that I do now.we have bills of sale,passport chipped and marked.Help how do we protect our horses?


28 July 2011
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see other posts.Lincs police wont give a crime no as there is nothing they accept as proof of ownership.We have bill of sale,very important folks.Passport,chip,and freeze marked.Yes they can still be sold,Melton for one takes without the freeze mark papers.Help we need help in law to protect our horses.Even civil law does not help.there is no way to prove we own a horse now.just that we once did.this needs addressing