Well-Known Member
Seriously?! You are a saddle fitter, you for one should surely know how to support a horse and it's way of going? Do you just plonk a saddle on and go "there" it's fine?
Ill fitting saddle = tight tense back = tight tense movement = can give an impression of lameness = hoof wearing down unevenly.
A horse requires support through other means than just shoes! Diet, correctly fitting tack, physio, regular trims........
Wow. I was pretty polite, simply wondering what you meant by support when we were talking shoes/boots. The vast majority of people would think you meant physical support to the feet, a paradigm very common with farriers applying shoes.
I'm not even going to bother answering the rest and suggest you look to your own wording next time, as well as mine ("diet and trim" for example) before ripping me a new one.
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