Fun Sponsored Ride


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8 May 2009
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Hello! I am hoping to take my Welsh Cob gelding on a sponsored walk/ride for 4 days on part of the South Downs Way but the other rider has had to drop out so I am looking for another rider to accompany us!! We will be riding with walkers starting from East Meon on 12th June and doing a leisurely 12 miles a day.

Please Please come and join me for this fun event, my horse is too young to do it by himself so I am very keen to find someone to come along. I have found B&B's that take horses (about £30 per night and a bit for the horse) or we could even camp with other walkers at grounds with stables/grazing if feeling brave!

We are collecting money for a Romanian Orphanage and people are coming to walk with us, and there are even artists putting up artworks along the way! Plus there is a storyteller coming one day/eve etc etc It should be fun!