Further to "Help me make a decision!"


Well-Known Member
22 April 2010
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Further to my thread "Help me make a decision" I am happy to say I am now the official owner of my Loan pony Jake, AKA "The Demolition Man" (because he likes to scratch his bum on things and demolish anything in his way), Happy Easter everyone :D



Well-Known Member
22 April 2010
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Thanks everyone, he definately has character! typical cob, has now discovered the habit of putting his head down to suddenly eat grass, did it today when we pulled onto a grass verge to get out the way of traffic and he just stoppeddead and started to eat and wouldnt move and the drivers just laughed at me :eek:. Also loves nothing more than a bum scratch lifting five bar gates of their hinges in the process, and completely trashing his wooden hay manger....and the metal one....and the fence posts....what have I let myself in for???


Well-Known Member
13 August 2010
Worcester, UK
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Haha welcome to the world of cobs, sounds just like mine!

I've also been laughed at by car drivers when pulling into a driveway to get out of their way and my greedy guts took a liking to the contents of someone's bin bag and it took all my effort to shift him! So embarrassing!


Well-Known Member
22 April 2010
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Haha welcome to the world of cobs, sounds just like mine!

I've also been laughed at by car drivers when pulling into a driveway to get out of their way and my greedy guts took a liking to the contents of someone's bin bag and it took all my effort to shift him! So embarrassing!

I love cobs simply for their characters - and the huge moustaches!

Jake always gets any left over veggie peelings from roast dinners from my and my livery manager, he's known as the yard food disposal unit, any peelings, left over fruit/veggies, bread and hay and hell have it.
Hes let out in the morning and takes himself straight out to his paddock and at night the gates are opened and he brings himself into his stable, he's just so easy lol
The putting head down to eat grass thing is definitely embarrassing, may have to resort to a daisy rein...at 21 years old lol, thats really his only vice. He used to figit at the mounting block but now stands perfectly, he can be a bit of a stressbag with his feet but will get there eventually :)


Well-Known Member
22 April 2010
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He looks very cute. :)

P.S. Must admit that when I read about his bum scratching I began to think of these
, here's someone who have made his own Mechanical broom cores rub cows the right way (found that when looking for a suitable image, and thought I might as well include the link in my post).

Wow Jake would be in heaven! I do keep meaning to invest in a bum scratching mat for his stable wall but knowing my luck he'd somehow demolish the concrete partition lol!