gah horse pushing her luck


Well-Known Member
25 September 2005
In a dark room with nice padded walls!
Well Lou is well and truly pushing her luck now bucking and being generally naughty when ridden. today when I put her out she went bucking of down the field and when i went to catch her again (to remove her leadrope) she just spun on me and bucked

Lunged her yesterday and all she kept running off and bucking.

Ive had her teeth and back checked so now I'm getting another livery to school her for me and see what he thinks

just feeling cr*ppy and needed to vent


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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Who checked her back? I would be inclined to get a full back check and lameness evaluation by a good equine vet if you haven't done already.

The only other thing is that is could be due to her seasons, is she in season? Hormones or pain in the ovaries may also produce the signs that she is displaying. I would get that checked out and if it is behavioural rather than physical then try one of the mare supplements. Spring is on Oestress which I really rate, her behaviour whilst not that bad when in season is now infinitely better


Well-Known Member
13 August 2006
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Have you tried leading her to the field in a chifney bit, used to have a horse that would drag me to the field then bolt when he got to the field with me still attached, used the chifney for a few day he learnt very quickly that pulling me and bolting off was not acceptable. Maybe she has got to thinking that as she can pull you around that she is the boss


Well-Known Member
22 June 2004
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Sounds like it may be hormonal then. Spring is lovely when not in season we have no real problems at all. However, when in season she becomes arsey and bargey to handle and very clingy to other horses. She would be fine to catch but then would refuse to leave the field and either plant her feet and refuse to move, back up at speed or whip round and charge back to the other horses. Since being on Oestress she vary rarely gets arsey, we have the odd moment where she would rather not leave the field - but I can usually solve this on my own now where as before I needed help from someone else to get her to go forwards.

It may be worth bearing in mind.


Well-Known Member
14 July 2005
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Agree with LucySpring - our mare was a nightmare to lead up from the field (and sometimes to ride) when she was in season : especially bad when she came into season in early spring. She would snort, spin round, and go up on her hind legs. Scary! We had her checked and eventually vet discovered she had a haematoma on one of her ovaries, which eventually went, but I'm sure didn't help the PMT. We found some stuff that worked very well for us, which was a liquid with Valerian that we added to her feed, and this certainly calmed her down a lot. I think someone on the yard used something called "Stroppy Mare" which helped their mare. Good luck! I know I used to dread taking Beth down to the field when she was in season .... (PS If you are competing at an affiliated level, I think Valerian comes under the banned substances list)