Gastric ulcer/crib biting?


Well-Known Member
5 March 2011
Blymhill lawn
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I have been suspicious for a while that my 9 yr old ecmx racer may have gastric ulcers he is a little cold backed and sometimes is a bit bothered by the girth being done up at first his back has been checked and it's ok, since been stabled at night for the last 10-14 days he is a bit dopey and I have noticed that after feeds morning and might he cribs a little on his stable door? I believe this is another sign of gastric ulcers? Can anyone advise what I can do to help please? Thank you!


Well-Known Member
5 February 2011
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I would speak to your vet about it as there are a couple of proper treatments that will cure the ulcer.
In the meantime make sure he always has rougage such as hay or haylage in front of him and feed as little cereals as possible.


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21 January 2010
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Actually it is a bad habit and not always a sign of ulcer but cribbing might be a cause of ulcer.
Some of horses just cribb but some of them also swallow air.
did you try cribbing halter? by the way you can put him in a stall where doesn't have any wood part.


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3 April 2008
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The correct way would be to get him scoped and do from there. Its very expensive but some insurance will cover it, if your insured that is?
I would maybe try a cheaper supplement first and see if there is any improvement. Many feed companies sell their own sort. I like Equine America products, they wont cure but can help a horse with ulcers feel more comfortable.
Lots of horses crib and windsuck out of habit and there is no real problem.
My horse cribs and windsucks and has done apparently for years. I am going to get him scoped and just pray hes ok as the medication will break me! I want the peace of mind though that hes ok!


Well-Known Member
3 September 2012
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Does he actually suck in air or just bite? My boy does bites his door after feed in the morning but only when he can see me, i.e. come on mum ill chew my way out if you dont turn me out now or if im in the yard chatting and he thinks I should be paying him attention. Otherwise, if youre still worried then the vet can scope. Sometimes you will be surprised by cost too. The vet quoted £300 for a scope of my boys sinuses (he had blood coming out his nose) and xrays yet when i got the bill it was only (!!) £160. Though obviously it will be more as it is for digestive system but just an example.


Well-Known Member
8 August 2011
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My horse was a terrible windsucker when I first got him! I thought he may have gastric ulcers as he was showing more signs - didn't like being brushed/rugged up/girth tightened and was fairly skinny.

I just switched his feed to high fibre and cut out sugary things (i.e. carrots!) Lots of haylage and grass and he is doing fine! Doesn't mind you touching his belly, is a lot less grumpy, will stand to tack up and has put a lot of weight on. He doesn't windsuck as much either.

If you are relativly positive that it is gastric ulcers, you need to get him scoped by the vet and they will give you gastro guard. It will be expensive unless you are insured! Otherwise it may just be something you are giving him that is upsetting his tummy.


Well-Known Member
2 March 2012
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I think this is a myth my horse cribs all day long ! Excessively !!! With a collar with hay with feed a ball etc still cribs ! He had a scope ! Not even one ulcer!!!