Well-Known Member
So, my new horse of three weeks spooked on Monday and after several rounds of full-out gallop in a indoor arena, tossed me in the sand. Bruises, stiff muscles and very injured pride followed suit, including a very shocked pony-dad watching, but nothing more. I am not really scared of falling off as such, but it scared me a lot that she was completely beyond contact, and didn’t respond to anything. My daughter got on right after and trotted around a little bit while I caught my wind and then I got on and walked for ten minutes or so. Haven’t ridden since because my hip hurt, but I’m getting on today, where a friend in lunging me. The horse has been going nicely with my daughter and share rider all week. Any good advice on getting “back on” from a mental perspective? I don’t want to be/become a frightened rider… (which I am a little bit now)