Getting more experience (central Scotland - Stirling area)


15 October 2020
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Any advice on how to get more experience around horses/in the stables?? the riding school I take lessons at is in another council area so I cannot travel there due to covid restrictions (I live in Scotland) so I’m looking for someone in my area that would be willing to take on someone that just wants a bit more experience looking after horses, but I don’t know how to go about it...

for anyone in Scotland, I live in the Stirling area (near Callander) and would be grateful if anyone knows anyone who would be interested in helping me get more hands on experience :)


20 November 2008
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I dont know if it's still open/running but a tattoo artist named Kirsty from the Outer Limits studio set up stables near Callander. The name escapes me but that should be enough info to google/facebook stalk.


Well-Known Member
29 October 2015
Sunny Stirlingshire
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Annie, how old are you? How much experience riding do you have and where do you currently ride? Do you have transport or could you get lifts to/from somewhere regularly?

Callander has quite a few active FB pages for general chat/info, so if you are on FB you could put up an advert on there and ask around. If not, I can give you details for a few folk to ask. Feel free to PM me if you like. Hope that helps x


15 October 2020
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Hi, I’ll be 20 next month and have recently got back into riding after taking a break for a number of years - currently re-learning how to canter. I live half an hour north of Callander (killin) but travel down quite regularly as I have family there. I don’t drive but am able to get a lift down weekly or can get the bus some days. I’ve been in contact with Kirsty at Ballochallan and I’ll hopefully be helping her out when restrictions are lifted! If you know of anyone else that could help me it would be much appreciated :)
Annie, how old are you? How much experience riding do you have and where do you currently ride? Do you have transport or could you get lifts to/from somewhere regularly?

Callander has quite a few active FB pages for general chat/info, so if you are on FB you could put up an advert on there and ask around. If not, I can give you details for a few folk to ask. Feel free to PM me if you like. Hope that helps x