Well-Known Member
Apparently I am drawn to weird horses (or I’m hoping weird and not broken). My 2 year old Connemara gets up like a camel, backend up first, and then somehow jumps both fronts up at the same time from kneeling to standing. It’s quite a feat of core strength but very odd indeed. I would blame his tendon injury (for those that don’t know he ruptured his superficial digital flexor tendon above the hock in January) and think he was somehow trying to take the strain off it, but he did this even before the injury. Did he grow up in a herd of cows or camels??!! Anyone else got a weirdo like this? Or thoughts on why he might do it this way? I’ve got enough to worry about without thinking there is something wrong with him.
He can get up normally but I’d say it’s a 50:50 split on seeing him do it his own butt first way.
He can get up normally but I’d say it’s a 50:50 split on seeing him do it his own butt first way.