Getting white socks white... without water...


Well-Known Member
19 December 2005
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Went to a show on Sunday, had washed my horses large white socks Saturday evening, then covered in chalk, to go up on Sunday and find a walloping great big s**t stain down the front white sock.

I didnt have my chalk powder with me, and I dont think it would have really shifted it to be honest. And thinking of shows coming up over winter, I dont want to be wetting my horses legs to wash them.

So any product recommendations for tackling this kind of grubby horse without using water? My local tack shop has a fair few products, from Cowboy magic stain remover, chalk stuff you make into a paste, and dry shampoo... which would be best?


Well-Known Member
27 July 2007
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Went to a show on Sunday, had washed my horses large white socks Saturday evening, then covered in chalk, to go up on Sunday and find a walloping great big s**t stain down the front white sock.

I didnt have my chalk powder with me, and I dont think it would have really shifted it to be honest. And thinking of shows coming up over winter, I dont want to be wetting my horses legs to wash them.

So any product recommendations for tackling this kind of grubby horse without using water? My local tack shop has a fair few products, from Cowboy magic stain remover, chalk stuff you make into a paste, and dry shampoo... which would be best?
I use Gold Label show white powder on my Welshies and wouldn't use anything else. It's dazzling white. Pour a little of the powder into a separate container and add a drop of water, mix and apply with a household kitchen sponge or brush it on. Leave over night and by the morning you'll have fab looking socks. Love the stuff!


Well-Known Member
10 December 2008
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I've got a spray that you just spray over stains with, I'm trying to remember what it's called and can't!
The only problem with it is it's so white the rest of him looks grubby! Fine if it's just a sock as you can do the whole thing. I've got 17hh of grey IDx I'd have to spray!

I've tried the lot and while the cowboy majic type stuff work pretty well, to be honest by the time you've done that, you may as well just wash the stain again. I rarely bath the day before now, just get up earlier to bath in the morning.


Well-Known Member
24 October 2012
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The supreme white spray is good but don't accidentally mix it up with your sparkle spray and turn your black tail zebra print like I did!


Well-Known Member
19 October 2009
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Dry shampoo or a stain removing spray (I use Supreme) first then a powder mix like the gold label one mentioned above


Well-Known Member
20 January 2009
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One of those scrubbing blocks (looks and sounds like pumice) gets the stains out of a perma-grubby grey/white horse.