Well-Known Member
i went on a fun ride today, and it basically took 8 hrs!!!!! we did get a bit lost.lol!! problem is, when i got back and untacked him he had two large lumps just where the girth sits. he did sweat quite alot underneath the girth area, they are just behind his elbows, not open sores just big lumps under his skin. they dont appear to bother him atall but i have no experience of this kind of thing as its never happened before. his girth is a leather one, that is hour glass shaped to apprently stop it rubbing behind the shoulders! i hosed him down and the girth area for 15 mins but the limps were then harder??? how should i treat this and i assume i shouldnt put a saddle on again until the swellings have competely gone?? would a fluffy girth sleeve help atall?????