Goals, ambitions, objectives - call them what you will, but do you have any and what are they?


Well-Known Member
22 September 2015
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I have got covid this week and am feeling seedy but my aim is to live to Jan 2024 when I think the ages of my share mare and me will total 100.
re horses' dates of birth, can anyone help me? Is their birthday always notionally on 1 January?

If they are racehorses. Otherwise it's 1st of May is how I was taught.

Hope you are feeling better soon.


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5 December 2011
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It's such a personal thing. I get told often how driven I am as I'm always busy doing something lol, whether it's competing or just riding regularly.
I think it really depends on what you actually want, do you want some pretty rosettes? or just hacking with your mates?
Personally I set myself the goal of getting a BD point which I did manage pretty early on so my goal changed to be to try a novice test by the end of the year, 3 months left lol! I also wanted to qualify for the associated champs which we have also managed and are off to those next weekend - eak!
I've just got involved with doing online dressage and I'm really enjoying it, cheaper entry fees and no travel costs, good feedback to help keep us on track and to see if we can get those at home scores out at a competition. The ones I use not only does BD tests but their own tests which also includes lunging and long reining tests which I do with my shetland lol. They run loads of leagues to so maybe an extra rosette at the end of the season lol.
I think doing those over winter will help me stay motivated as it's the toughest time of year!


Well-Known Member
25 January 2015
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To lose enough weight to ride Dex is priority A.
Priority B is to do whatever the hell I like as long as I enjoy it and he does too.
Priority C is to get a form of horse transport to enable Priority B (and because I've never had one before) - towing car on order for Dec so this is already in motion.
28 February 2011
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O Thank you. I didnt know it was only race horses. It will be far better to celebrate on 1 May.

For competitive purposes all horses go up a year in age on 1st Jan. So you could compete a 4yo in March that is technically 3 by its actual bday. My lot get some Stud muffins on their actual date of birth. It's the only time they get such special treats fed by hand 😂 the rest of the time they get carrots and apples lobbed at them across the field 😂


Well-Known Member
22 September 2015
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Now that competition is year round, I think it's moved to January 1st for everything.

I stand corrected!

(I'm not sure I like that though, as a horse born in July/August is potentially so far from being as mature in the January as it would have been in May :( )


Carries on creakily
17 July 2013
In between the Midlands and the North
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I'm still not sure whether to sit back on wonky mare, despite two vets saying that she is fine for light work.

Instead, and after a rough period with my health after getting post viral fatigue after a few brushes with Covid (at least 3 times), at the age of 65 I achieved my aim of a multi day trail ride. OK, strictly speaking only two full days and 1 night, but I was fit enough (just) and I had an absolute blast covering 33 miles in 2 days in hilly terrain. Just so much fun riding off road, cantering in open spaces, like when I was a kid. I lasted the two full days, but it took me two attempts to dismount at the end of day 2 🤣. I did it!

The first pic is prior to the trail ride, me getting fit by trekking on good horses on Cannock Chase. The other pics are from last week with Free Rein near Hay on Wye.

Such bleddy good fun.





I'm Dun

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20 May 2021
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This was my goal until a few weeks ago, when I discovered that a hopeless hip did not prevent me from doing side saddle. My goals have now changed completely -I am losing weight [ hard to look elegant otherwise] , and hope soon to hack side saddle , then perhaps an Intro test eventually , and if I had a show horse I d be looking to showing SSA as well, far in the future! After a lifetime of horses , there s nothing like actually riding them. Having youngstock, getting grandkids a pony, driving , whatever , was never going to do it for me! Afishoutofwater- please explore ways you can perhaps ride - good luck!

I've got a plan to get her back on a horse ;) Watch this space!


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11 January 2012
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My goals have changed over the last few years.

Previously we had concentrated on UA dressage. Just prelim and the odd novice. We then moved to Quest at prelim (and one terrible novice where I should have withdrawn before setting off, the day was not going well and I set ourselves up to fail) and things were going well. 70%+ tests and I felt so proud of us both altho I suppose it was a sense of pride in publicly doing well? The plan was to get to elementary. Then covid hit…

Then we had a ligament injury, followed by re injury followed by a kick resulting in a fracture… which meant 9/20- 8/22 was taken up with boxrest and rehab on repeat….

After eventually being signed off by the vet and sound and free to do anything bar lots of competitive jumping (not our bag anyway) I was still a bit concerned about circles/surfaces so decided to turn to pleasure rides/endurance.

So I suppose the goals were upping his fitness in a big way, changing our style of hacking from meandering on the buckle in walk.

We have had so much fun, a lot less pressure, and he enjoys it a lot more then the DR I think.

One of our goals was solo hacking more than just around the local village. We managed that this year. I could burst with how happy that has made me.

Actually we hacked out today by ourselves as a training type hack for our last competitive ride in October. As we were going round I was thinking just how blooming awesome he is and how lucky I am. We have met our previous demons head on- we were out for just under 10 miles, we encountered scary things, FIVE other horses in 3 groups (previously a drama as he’d have wanted to go with them), one of which was having a meltdown and throwing shapes in anticipation of the scary machinery we had just passed.

To most people it’s probably small, and not really a goal at all. But we’ve done it, he makes me beam from ear to ear and I’m enjoying it so much. Without adding to the cheesiness I think our bond/connection has definitely improved. I’m sure he trusts me more (not that I thought he didn’t before).


Extremely Old Nag!
20 June 2005
Wynnstay - the Best!
I have got covid this week and am feeling seedy but my aim is to live to Jan 2024 when I think the ages of my share mare and me will total 100.
re horses' dates of birth, can anyone help me? Is their birthday always notionally on 1 January?
All TBs date from 1st January regardless of when actually born but others not so much. Old Pony Club used to say 1st April I think if I remember rightly - correction, May!


Well-Known Member
19 August 2021
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Hi Greylegs - I've nicked your post title and put it in Club House too.
My horsey one - get my two un-ridden horses to loose a bit of weight over winter, whilst trying to keep the weight on my friend's horse (they all share a field)


Well-Known Member
6 March 2011
@Maesfen Thank you.
My contract says the mare was 11 when I started to share her in July 2019. But her exact age is uncertain as she was possibly already on site and changed hands when a new tenant took over the yard. After I am better from Covid I will try to find out the things a responsible rider ought to know about the horse they ride.

Barton Bounty

Just simply loving life with Orbi 🥰
19 November 2018
Sconnie Botland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
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I have got covid this week and am feeling seedy but my aim is to live to Jan 2024 when I think the ages of my share mare and me will total 100.
re horses' dates of birth, can anyone help me? Is their birthday always notionally on 1 January?
Both my racehorses have actual dates of birth, BB was 5/4/2007 and Orbit is 6/3/2020


Well-Known Member
29 December 2011
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Hi Greylegs - I've nicked your post title and put it in Club House too.
My horsey one - get my two un-ridden horses to loose a bit of weight over winter, whilst trying to keep the weight on my friend's horse (they all share a field)
.... you're welcome ..... :)


Well-Known Member
18 April 2013
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I don't make goals any more, as I'm not great at sticking to plans 🤔🙄
Would love to ride more but I physically can't, so we have started driving again , it's going ok. My brain already has us going to a driving trials event next year, but in reality we'll just carry on bumbling around the lanes, which is fine 😍

Ambers Echo

Still wittering on
13 October 2017
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It is well worth spending a lot of time thinking about goals. It does not really matter what they are, but having some gives riding (or hanging out with your horse) so much more focus and satisfaction. And also if you know what makes you happy then you won't waste time 'shoulding' yourself about doing other stuff that actually is not meaningful to you!

Look up Simon Sinek's TED talk on The Golden Circle: WHY/HOW/WHAT. He discusses it in the context of business but it applies equally to sport, hobbies. Well anything really.

Your WHY is your goals. You true values and wishes. HOW is the strategy/plan for getting there. (Wherever 'there' is). And the WHAT is the day to day decisions. Without a clear WHY a lot of people just do stuff they are not bothered by, or don't do the stuff they DO care about!

Goldie's mum

Well-Known Member
1 May 2022
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I want to canter a circle! 😁
New share was in a trekking centre for 10 years, then bought by his complete beginner owner, to take lessons on. (Owner is just starting to trot now.)
He's completely unschooled, ever, he was 4 when he started trekking, so we're taking things very gently on my days. Canter is all or nothing at the moment, he's willing to give it a go but takes a deep breath & flings himself at it. Plan 'a' is slower, balanced canter but the goal is circles !

ETA - oh and gates! He's rubbish at gates!
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Well-Known Member
20 June 2009
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I used to set goals, but every year life would throw some sh*t at me and I’d miss them which would make me feel like a failure.
So I stopped setting goals.
Although, at the moment my goal is to get my beloved horse sound again (another bit of life sh*t received)