Well-Known Member
Hi all
Hoping someone may be able to give some advice. I've started sharing a lovely older mare. She was a riding school horse for many years but did get hacked out quite regularly and by all accounts was an excellent hacker, would go first last etc. One of the reasons I decided to share her is so that I (a complete newbie to hacking!) could try to build up a little bit of experience and confidence hacking. Anyhow, I've had some lovely hacks going with a good lead horse and she is clearly relaxed and happily potters along just with the odd mini spook if something unexpected catches her eye. The problem is yesterday I tried putting her in front. She was fine in her familiar routes but when we had to go past a particular year with lot of different stuff going on she point blank refused to go forwards. I used my voice, leg and in the end my stick a few times (all with real intention and firmly) but NO she absolutely would not move. She felt really tense too so she was obviously worried. Is there any type of strategy I could try others then ramping up the use of leg and stick which I'll be honest doesn't make me feel great. I feel its important to able to go in front even if its usually not 'necessary.' Thanks.
Hoping someone may be able to give some advice. I've started sharing a lovely older mare. She was a riding school horse for many years but did get hacked out quite regularly and by all accounts was an excellent hacker, would go first last etc. One of the reasons I decided to share her is so that I (a complete newbie to hacking!) could try to build up a little bit of experience and confidence hacking. Anyhow, I've had some lovely hacks going with a good lead horse and she is clearly relaxed and happily potters along just with the odd mini spook if something unexpected catches her eye. The problem is yesterday I tried putting her in front. She was fine in her familiar routes but when we had to go past a particular year with lot of different stuff going on she point blank refused to go forwards. I used my voice, leg and in the end my stick a few times (all with real intention and firmly) but NO she absolutely would not move. She felt really tense too so she was obviously worried. Is there any type of strategy I could try others then ramping up the use of leg and stick which I'll be honest doesn't make me feel great. I feel its important to able to go in front even if its usually not 'necessary.' Thanks.