Going out in the trailer


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27 December 2006
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So doing my trailer test was scary. But I did it. When they told me I'd passed I was shaking so violently I couldn't sign the paperwork haha!!!
Yesterday I drove my trailer home from being serviced, first time with no L plates but still had dad with me.

Now the scariest thing, I now have to take the plunge and take my horse out!
I would go for a hack somewhere but having just paid out for four new tyres I'm not keen on leaving my trailer somewhere random!
I definitely don't want to do dressage first, that's too stressful. Maybe showjumping? Or I could go for a lesson somewhere.
Any tips on going it alone?


Well-Known Member
9 March 2008
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Go out on your own for a few trips with no horse, so you don't have to worry about the horse while you are getting your confidence up! A lesson or clinic is probably the best bet as there is less stress/ excitement or you could just pick the worst situation you could think of and just go for it, then everything after that will seem easy!


Well-Known Member
22 August 2016
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I took my horse out in the trailer for the first time since passing my test on Saturday so I'm in the same boat as you! Can your dad go with you the first time you go out with horse? Mine did, and I think it helped to know that if things went wrong there was someone there who could take over! I booked a lesson at the XC course that is just down the road from us, so it was only about a 10 min drive, left loads of time to get there just in case it took me forever. It actually went fine, I think as long as your horse is a good traveller and you just take it steady you'll be fine too! I'd just get out as much as possible, and maybe see if your dad can keep going with you until you feel a bit more confident. Good luck and have fun :)


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6 April 2013
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I took my pony out on my own for the first time the other day, just take it steady and you'll be fine. One thing I hadn't thought of until I did it though was doing everything by yourself for example previously my mums always been with me so I've loaded and she's put the back bar up but when you're on your own you need to do both! A clinic or lesson is a good shout as there's less pressure once you get there and probably people around to help you afterwards if you need it. Also if possible somewhere you know you can easily get your trailer in and out so it's a little less stressful for the first couple of times!