Well-Known Member
Hi all. My horsey is muzzled for majority of the year. Unfortunately grazing at our yard is fairly rich fertilised grass and about three weeks ago I’ve noticed clicking in his tmj joints whilst eating hay after coming in in the morning(he’s out at night) the noise is horrendous. The grass was very long and is now significantly eaten down and he did struggle to graze it with muzzle on. He does graze quite “aggressively” with muzzle on if you know what I mean and chiropractor who he saw today advised to try him without muzzle and seek vets opinion to take a look at his tmj and teeth as there’s definitely some issues, teeth were done in April. he has developed a lump on side of his face which is hard and doesn’t seem to hurt him) he’s fine having bridle on and fine being ridden. He spits quite a lot of his hay. He’s ridden 5-6 days per week and looks great at the moment. We will be upping his work not in the days but intensity. He has soaked hay for when he comes in and small breakfast to get supplements in him. Has anyone successfully kept their cob weight at bay without using muzzle whilst still on the grass? I can’t move him off the grass or bare paddock as yard doesn’t facilitate that sadly. Please don’t suggest track as if I could i wouldn’t be here asking for advice, it would be the first thing I would do.
Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot!