GSD Woman
Well-Known Member
I understand that a great many of you will have nasty weather Friday and possibly all weekend. Please stay safe. Hurricane force winds are nothing to take lightly.
We're just north of the red area and it's turning into a beautiful day which is just a bit breezy!! I'm sure that will change as the day goes on but I'm secretly hoping they've over egged the forecast.
OH helped my secure down the yard last night. Took me 15 mins to find the poo pickers and I've still no idea where he stored the buckets.
Everything survived here apart from my fencing ?
I currently have pneumonia and pleurisy and could have done without this, this weekend, but needs must, so I'll be out first thing putting the damned thing back up.
Thanks, we had 85mph winds but everything is still standing. The horses spent the day eating hay in the field shelter while the sheep spent the morning ignoring the rain and sheltered under the wall through the windiest period.
Is there someone else to help you?