Good manners of a Lady or Gentleman


Well-Known Member
14 August 2011
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I can only assume whoever made the rules was met on their return by someone who dealt with the horse, another who dealt with the clothes and another who had a hot bath ready and waiting. I have just read the Heythrop guide to those new to hunting and frankly found it quite refreshing and many of the rules regarding turnout seem much more relaxed, thank goodness!

Sounds like bliss! I wanna get me some staff 😉

Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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Sounds like bliss! I wanna get me some staff ��

I'm advised that a non-riding husband or wife can, with a little forethought and instruction, fit the bill. I'm assured that I make a passable groom, if not much of a husband. You'd think that one would lead on from the other, but apparently not! :)



Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
The Internet makes one's location irrelevant
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This ^^^^^
OP You need to get out more, you would find nice people in all walks of life, and their idea of good manners vary. What matters is that they care about the feelings of others not that they have learned some arbitrary rules regarding which flower to wear, etc.

Digger you have missed the point. The two pieces were originated by Country Life Magazine and as I said in an earlier post I was merely a humble messenger.

The fact Country Life deem such comments and 'rules' worthy of contemporary publication, is indicative of the general tone relevant to 'Country Life'.

One has to look at the whole sociological aspect of Country Living and the juxtaposition of hunting and field sports in the overall context.

Granted, it is a complex issue and one which does not necessarily appear important on the surface, but when looked at in the round, there is a profound message, that demonstrates that all the traditional elements of country life are very much alive.

That includes activities, dress code, class distinction, sex and dare I say money.
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Well-Known Member
2 May 2007
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'Might not understand the rules of rugby and cricket, but enjoys the game anyway'

Patronising in the extreme....although I hope they refer to rugby league not the faffing about rugby union!

IMO country living has nothing to do with activities, dress code, class distinction (I mean, where do you even start?) and money. Profound, my arrrse, Country life are living in a dream world, wheras most country dwellers are not, and don't care a fig about peoples' social standing or dress, just basic good manners, which both decent town, city and country folk appreciate.


Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
The Internet makes one's location irrelevant
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'Might not understand the rules of rugby and cricket, but enjoys the game anyway'

Patronising in the extreme....although I hope they refer to rugby league not the faffing about rugby union!

IMO country living has nothing to do with activities, dress code, class distinction (I mean, where do you even start?) and money. Profound, my arrrse, Country life are living in a dream world, wheras most country dwellers are not, and don't care a fig about peoples' social standing or dress, just basic good manners, which both decent town, city and country folk appreciate.

In some ways you are correct in that there is a veneer or shroud that covers the intricacies of country life and living.

However there is an underlying and undeniable Class Distinction.

We are a many faceted nation and like it or not, for example, it does not matter who or where you are from, folk are always MENTALLY 'pigeon holed' according to the way they speak and their accent whether or not it is regional.

I am not making any criticism of the fact but anybody reading this will, unless I am very much mistaken, admit privately to themselves, that within a second or two of meeting anybody, they make an immediate analysis of their persona. It is a fact or life and no more accentuated than in the countryside.
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