Well-Known Member
I had Maggot, a ginger cat of great age and charm, put to sleep this morning. He had a very aggressive skin cancer all over his nose and a squamous cell carcinoma in his mouth. The vet sedated him with ketamine and then let me talk to him and pet him while she sent him to a place where there is no pain. He came with the farm I bought in 2019. He’d lived outside all his life but happily made the transition to house cat as a great concession to me no doubt and was extremely annoying. He would spoon into my back in bed so I had 18” and he had 3’6” to lie on. I work early and late shifts so sometimes the alarm is set for 05:00 and sometimes for 07:30. Maggot always wanted out 45 minutes before the alarm and wanted in 20 minutes later just as I’d nodded off again. Really it was uncanny how accurately he could judge it. After a lifetime of cheap supermarket cat food tipped into a bowl that had never been washed he could only eat premium brand cat food and sometimes would only lick the jelly or gravy off. A box of 12 pouches costs over €8 here. If I had company he would sit on the floor between socially distanced us and yowl at the top of his voice until I yelled at him whereupon he would yowl from behind the sofa. He adored being petted and brushed. He had a lovely purr. He was a great lockdown buddy. We sat in the car outside the vet surgery and he purred and rubbed as I stroked what was left of his poor ravished face. I will miss seeing him sunbathing on the silage slab or trying to look insouciant as the swallows dive bomb him and bored when big brown hare interrupts his daily journey across the yard to square up to him. Slan leat old friend.