Goodby Lana - My ever faithfull friend


Well-Known Member
15 July 2003
London and Hertfordshire
Goodbye Lana – My ever faithful friend

Today I lost Lana my faithful 29 year old horse that I have owned for 20 years. She was 14.1 high and was black with a white star on her forehead.

I woke up this morning and as I do every morning poked my head out of the window expecting to see Lana’s head over her stable door and for her to whiney at me. I could not see her so shouted her name but nothing. I put on my jogging bottoms and rushed outside to find her in a state of distress in her stable. I immediately phoned the vet who was with me shortly afterwards. Sadly she could not get up and the decision was taken to do the kindest thing and put her to sleep by lethal injection. She went very peacefully and quietly.

I bought Lana in June 1992. I can remember her being vetted. The vet and myself both had ginger hair at the time and the children of her owner remarked that they thought that we where twin vets.

The first time I rode her out we were riding along the edge of a field when she suddenly shied in to the middle of the field having taken fright at a log.

She hated her stable and would bang on the stable door so much that one day the lady that lived opposite to me woke up thinking she was still in the second world war and undergoing a bombing raid. (I had to fit industrial grade coconut mapping to her stable door to suppress the noise).

It took me a couple of years to get used to the controls but we persevered and we would happily go out on massive circular 5 hour hacks together at weekends and days off.

I also took her on holiday to Exmoor in Somerset and Norton in Gloucestershire.

One day my farrier mentioned to me about a lady that had been in a terrible car accident with her horse and she had been severely injured and her horse sadly killed. I arranged to box my horse over to her and help her get her confidence back. Eventually she got in to Endurance riding and we would do some of them with her. One year we did the Newmarket ride which was about 12 miles long and we cantered and galloped all the way keeping up with her Gold Series endurance horse. Lana was quite amazing.

We also acted as navigator and escort to the last stage of the Backbone of Britain sponsored ride in aid of the Spinal Injury Trust. We took them from College Farm at Henlys corner in North London to the barracks on the south side of Hyde Park. Lana had never been ridden in London before and she was a total saint.

I had ridden her on short rides up till 6 weeks ago when she stumbled on both front legs and I ended up somersaulting over her head. We both got up but I decided that this was a message from above and I would not ride her anymore.

Lana was a very sweet horse who loved her grooms and having the base of her neck rubbed. Sometimes she did not want to be caught in the field and she would give me a double barrel with her back legs so I always had to be wary of her when she was in that mood.

Prior to me buying Lana she was sold out of Southall market in London (Not a nice place I have been told) and bought by a local horse dealer who kept her for a while and then sold her on to the person that I bought her from.

So this is a fond goodbye to Lana my faithful horse and to thank you for being such a safe and reliable horse and for the 20 years of fun that we had together.



Well-Known Member
31 August 2011
Northern Ireland
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What a lovely post about an obviously very special little horse. I hope as the pain eases you will be able to remember the many good times you clearly had with her.

RIP Lana.

The Trigster

5 June 2011
Chelmsford, Essex
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Oh, I so feel for you, but a lovely heartfelt summary of your life together. My own horse is now 30, and still happy to be ridden lightly, has cushings, but hey, we are dealing with it, but your sad story brings it home that my time with him is shortening, I cant imagine him never being there. I wish you well and hope all the lovely memories you have together will, in time, overtake the sadness you obviously now feel. No-one who has ever owned a horse could ever understand that special bond. Best wishes.xx

Holly Hocks

Well-Known Member
1 March 2010
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So sorry to hear your news. You will no doubt feel dreadful at the moment - I know - I went through it a couple of months ago. But time is a great thing and soon you will be able to remember her without tears and with smiles instead. My thoughts are with you.


Well-Known Member
27 January 2009
Mid wales
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So sorry its awful having to say goodbye!! But what a wonderful life you had together 29 is a very good age we might have to say goodbye to are old girl she is 38 dreading the day!! Thinking of you!! So sorry for you loss Massive hugs R.I.P Lana


Well-Known Member
9 February 2007
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So sorry to hear of your loss :( Lana sounded like a pony full of fun and character. I echo other's sentiments in saying that was a lovely written tribute to a mare who was obviously very much a huge part of your life. RIP Lana X


Well-Known Member
26 February 2003
SW Scotland
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Sorry Peter, glad you are thinking about the good times you had and she was obviously still fit until recently, you took good care of her. Lucky horse. RIP Lana--run free.


Well-Known Member
7 May 2011
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So sorry to hear about Lana...

If the day should come when I'm in pain,
And you know I won't be well again,
Promise you'll do what must be done,
If this is the battle that can't be won.

It'll break your heart, but please be kind,
Don't let your grieving sway your mind.
For this is when you'll let me see
Just how much you do love me.

Together we've had happy years
The future now can hold no fears.
Please don't let me suffer so
When that days comes, please let me go.

For my usual vet please will you send?
But stay with me until the end.
Hold me steady, speak to me
Till my once bright eyes no longer see.

In time I hope you'll come to see
It's the last kindness you'll do for me
One more time please stroke my mane
And know that I'll have no more pain.

And don't be sad that it was you
Who decided this was what to do.
We've been such buddies through the years
Don't let me be the cause of tears.

You'll always see me graze now,
with the sun upon my back
Painful limbs won't tire me now,
however long the hack.

I live now in your heart and mind,
a lovely place to stay.
And what you have in memories,
no one can take away


Well-Known Member
1 June 2011
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Ive read your beautiful op and none of the replies so am probably repeating what has been said
Your post shines with your absolute love for this horse and the wonderful happy life she had with you.
RIP Lana - and great big cyber hugs to you. Im so sorry - you keep remembering the happy memories and think of rainbow bridge - i truly believe we all meet again xxx


Well-Known Member
31 December 2006
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That is a lovely tribute to her Peter, my heart goes out to you. What a wonderful life you had together.
RIP little mare.


Well-Known Member
9 May 2009
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I am so sorry for the loss of your wonderful Lana. What a fantastic partnership you both had and what a lovely tribute you have written for such a special girl. May she gallop pain free over Rainbow Bridge and I hope in time all the special memories you hold of her come back from time to time and put a smile on your face. RIP Lana. xx


Well-Known Member
29 October 2009
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Peter, so sorry for your sad news. Your post is lovely. Sounds like you had the perfect partnership, that we all strive for. Best wishes Helen xx