Grandstanding, Vaingloryious and Puffed Up Former Musicians


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5 June 2010
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In fact, and as strange as it may sound, they often do! :)


Do they though? It is usual for any bird to emit an alarm when threatened by a predator during the night, but it could be argued that that's not singing. I understand that well-lit urban areas have reported earlier dawn, later dusk choruses but that is artificial light. I live in a rural area and have had my windows open all night for months now. All I have heard is the nightjar (and owls of course) and their call is unmistakable.
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Alec Swan

Well-Known Member
20 October 2009
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Do they though? ……...

Yes, most certainly. Birds don't sing at night as they do in the day, obviously, but during certain a freakish light conditions, moon & fog, that sort of thing, it's thought that they're fooled in to thinking that it's dawn. Being out at night, and when it does happen, it's certainly a weird experience! I've also, under similar circumstances, walked amongst flocks of wild geese that are grazing with them paying little attention to me, and again, it's a bit spooky!



Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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Just who is this Dr May who said according to The Independent on 10 July 2015

"Former Queen guitarist and animal welfare campaigner Brian May has accused David Cameron of an "underhand" move to bring back fox hunting and labelled the Countryside Alliance "a bunch of lying bar....ds for helping him".

That is a wholly unacceptable public comment. I believe he performed on stage with somebody called the late Freddie Mecury of the Pop Group Queen .

According to all reports Mr Mecury was a habitual user of drugs.

From what Dr May has said, he was aware of the drug taking and present at the time, although he Dr May, is clear he never took any drugs, why did he not report Mr Mercury and others to the police.

Indeed he said to The Mail on 6 April 2015 " He was always clean-living. While Freddie Mercury was snorting cocaine off silver trays strapped to the heads of hermaphrodite dwarves, Brian said a polite ‘no thank you’. ‘Most people around me were trying everything but I never took drugs, not even cannabis. It became a sort of experiment on myself, to be the control rat. ‘I never minded anyone else doing it"

That is wholly unacceptable.

So as I say why did he not go to the police because plainly a criminal offence was being committed.

Taking the criminal offence under the Hunting Act 2004 AND THE CRIMINALITY OF TAKING DRUGS where does one draw the line.

Alec Swan

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20 October 2009
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J_m, where we draw the line between those who would criticise us and their histories, I'm not sure. Where I struggle, is to accept that there are those in the public eye, who with no possible understanding of the hands-on daily existence of those who are involved in any subject, spout off with opinions which are invariably based upon principle rather than any realistic understanding of the subject.

For those who are not involved with drugs, their exhortians that the user resists the temptation falls on the equally deaf ears of those who will Hunt. It seems strange to me that we live in a world which accepts that drugs and the music industry go hand in hand, but not that Hunting and a rural life also have a direct link. Perhaps even more irksome is that the music industry with its less than appealing aspects, should lecture those of us who operate within the Law.

May, for all his Doctorate, is an idiot and a potentially dangerous one at that.



Well-Known Member
18 June 2010
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J_m, where we draw the line between those who would criticise us and their histories, I'm not sure. Where I struggle, is to accept that there are those in the public eye, who with no possible understanding of the hands-on daily existence of those who are involved in any subject, spout off with opinions which are invariably based upon principle rather than any realistic understanding of the subject.

For those who are not involved with drugs, their exhortians that the user resists the temptation falls on the equally deaf ears of those who will Hunt. It seems strange to me that we live in a world which accepts that drugs and the music industry go hand in hand, but not that Hunting and a rural life also have a direct link. Perhaps even more irksome is that the music industry with its less than appealing aspects, should lecture those of us who operate within the Law.

May, for all his Doctorate, is an idiot and a potentially dangerous one at that.


Alec I feel we have all been duped by all these so called celbrities over the years. They are simply ATTENTION SEEKERS.

In their professional lives, they have been used to the adulation of an audience. When that audience evaporates they look around for other ways of gaining an audience.

Any insincere means to gain attention, especially where anything to do with animals and prefereably linked to denigrating sectors of society, that they think will appeal to the masses, act as a catalyst to enhance their insincere attention seeking for an audience.